chapter 37

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I'm sat in bed scrolling through Instagram. It's late so I'm just listening to music in my room. I haven't heard from derek all day.

I furrow my brows as I scroll onto a  picture of Addison and derek on her account.

The caption says 'literally having so much fun with this guy in LONDON!!'. What the hell.

I call him. "Hi" he says. "What the fuck" I say. "Mer-" he says. "What the actual fuck" I say. "Meredith" he says.

"Are you with her now?" I ask. "No" he says. "Why the hell is she there? Why- was that picture taken in your bed?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "What the-" I groan, frustrated.

"Its literally nothing.. she's in London with her family for her dad's bussiness trip or something and visited me" he says.

"What, now you're not a fucking virgin anymore, you're just gonna go around and sleep with everyone under the fucking sun?" I ask sarcastically.

"Meredith!" He says. "Whatever derek, sleep with her.. I don't give a shit" I hang up. He rings me a few times. I don't answer. He messages me. I look at them but don't reply.

Derek: meredith, I swear literally nothing happened between us.. nor will it ever
Derek: answer please
Derek: it's not like I knew she was coming over...

He finally stops texting. I sigh, putting my phone down. I cuddle into my pillow. My phone buzzes again. I pick it up.

Derek: Goodnight mer, I love you

I sigh, putting my phone down. I pull my covers over me, trying to get myself comfortable. I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up in the morning and go downstairs. I sit at the table. "Thanks" I mumble as my mom puts my breakfast infront of me.

"You okay?" She sits infront of me, drinking orange juice. I nod. "Meredith?" She asks. "Addison visited derek yesterday.. in his hotel room.. and he didn't tell me about it" I say.

"But.. you're not official anyway, are you?" She asks. I look at her. "Oh" she says. "He asked me to be his girlfriend" I say. "That's nice" she smiles. I shrug.

"He's a nice guy, mer.. I wouldn't worry about it too much" she gets up. "Unless he gives you something to worry about" she walks away. I frown, looking down at my food. My phone buzzes. I check it.

Der: good morning
Der: u still mad at me?

I groan, putting my phone back down. I run my fingers through my hair, standing up. I get ready, grab my stuff and walk to school.

I walk straight to class, go to the back and sit with my head on the table.

"What's wrong with you?" Cristina turns around to face me. "Nothing" I say. She raises her brow. "Nothing!" I say. "Okay, jeez" she chuckles, turning back around.I sigh, resting my head back on the table.

"Meredith did you even do any work?" The teacher walks over to me at the end of the lesson. I sigh as he looks at my blank sheet. "Detention after school" he says. I groan.

After school I go to detention. I sit in the back corner of the room, doodling on a piece of paper. After an hour, the teacher dismisses us and I leave. I walk home.

I walk in and go up to my room. I get changed into his shirt I stole a while ago, a pair of his boxers under, and get into bed.

He stopped texting me a while ago. I don't even know what I'm mad at anymore.. It's definitely not him. I feel so bad.

I pick up my phone and call him. "Meredith" he says. "I'm sorry" I say. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know you'd be so mad.. I would've told you Addison was here for a bit but I didn't think it'd be an issue" he says.

"Its not an issue.. you can have whoever you want over at your apartment.. she's your friend" I say. I hear him sigh. "I'm really sorry.. I guess I was just feeling.. vulnerable or whatever" I say.

"Its okay mer" he says. "I'm just scared that you'll.. leave me for someone better" I say quietly. "It took me that long to find you.. why would I let you go?" He says. I smile.

"And there is nobody better than you" he says. I grin. "Its annoying that I can't kiss you right now" I say. "I know" he says. I grin.

"She likes you, you know?" I say. "Addison?" He asks. "Mhm" I say. "I'm not suprised.. I'm a chick magnet" he says. I laugh. "Shut up" I say. He chuckles. I grin, shaking my head.

"What have you been up to today?" I ask. "Nothing much.. went to school.. texted you a million times and went back home" he says. I chuckle.

"What about you?" He asks. "I went to school, got a detention for not doing any work, did my detention and went back home.. now I'm in bed in your boxers and shirt talking to you" I grin.

"You stole my boxers!?" He asks. "Yeah" I grin. "I-whatever" he sighs. I giggle.

"I'm going to sleep in a bit" he says. "Noooo, talk to me" I frown. "No, I'm tired" he chuckles. "I'll have phone sex with you" I say. "Phone sex?" He asks. I chuckle softly.

"What is that?" He asks. "You're adorable" I say. "Shut up" he says. I giggle.

"I'm going to bed" he says. "Okay, bye der" I say. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I smile before hanging up.

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