chapter 115

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Derek's pov:
Me and meredith are hanging out in my room. I'm sat on my PlayStation and she's laid on my bed.

I hear her sniffle a few times. I pull off my headset. "Babe, you got a cold?" I spin around in my chair.

She's crying into my pillow. "What's wrong?" I ask. I get up and walk over, sitting next to her.

"Mer" I stroke her hair gently. "Are you hurt? Did I do something? What did I do? Tell me" I whisper. She shakes her head, sitting up. She wipes her tears.

"Nothing, just leave me alone! Why do you have to be such an asshole?!" She sobs.

I smile. "Are you on your period?" I ask. "Shut up!" She hits me, getting up. She storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her. "I'll take that as a yes" I mumble.

I follow her downstairs. "Baby don't be mad at me" I sit next to her on the couch. She's talking to my mom in the living room.

I wrap my arms loosely around her waist. She hits my arms away. "Go away, I'm talking to carolyn" she pushes me off of the couch.

I chuckle, sitting on the floor. I wrap my arms around her leg, holding her foot in my hand. I kiss her leg. "Stop" she shakes me off. I grin.

She starts talking to my mom again. I grab her sock, pulling her foot onto my lap by it. I kiss her leg again. She's wearing a skirt so I run my hand up and down her smooth leg.

She runs her fingers through my hair. "You want some cake? I made it yesterday" my mom asks. "Yes please" she says. "Sweetheart?" My Mom asks. "No thankyou" I say.

She goes to the kitchen. She sits next to me on the floor. She cuddles Into my chest. I smile, wrapping my arms around her.

She let's out a whine as I squeeze her. "Not that tight" she mumbles. I grin. "You're clingy" she pushes me off of her, going to the kitchen. I let out a small chuckle.

I go back upstairs and back onto my PlayStation. She comes up a little while later. I see her pouting behind me in the reflection of my screen. I turn around.

"Why did you leave me?" She asks tearfully. "You told me I was clingy!" I groan. She sobs quietly, tears running down her cheeks.

I pull her onto my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck. "You have bad cramps?" I ask. She nods. I rub her stomach gently.

"This is the first period I've had since I stopped taking the pill" she says. "What? You stopped!? We haven't been using condoms" I panic.

"No babe, I got the- the implant thing" she says. I let out a breath. "When?" I ask. "Two weeks ago" she says.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you" she says. "Why did you get the implant?" I ask. "My mom gave me permission.. I dont like the pill, it was making me put on weight" she says.

"I noticed" I say. She bursts out crying. My eyes widen. "No no no no no" I put my hands on her cheeks. "I didn't mean it in a bad way" I say.

"All the weight went onto your ass" I say. She pushes me away, standing up. "It looks good.. you look hot" I say.

"I hate you!" She storms out of the room. I follow her. "You have a nice ass!" I yell from the top of the stairs as she runs down them. I look at nancy who's stood in the hallway. "Shut up" I say. She laughs.

I groan, going back into my room, slamming the door behind me as meredith leaves, slamming the front door behind her aswell.

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