chapter 160

627 44 8

Me and derek are back at school now. I'm sat in the cafeteria at a table with my friends. I'm not sitting with derek today because I decided that I have kinda been ignoring my friends for him so I felt bad.

"Look at derek" I say, watching him as he sits alone. They all look. "So?" Cristina asks. "He's alone.. Where's Mark?" I ask. They shrug.

He looks over at me. I smile at him. He smiles back at me, waving. "Come here" I signal for him to come over. He walks over.

"Hi" he says to everyone. They all smile at him. "Where's Mark?" I ask. "I think he's coming" he says. "Oh okay, if he doesn't then come and eat with us, okay?" I say. He leans down and kisses me. "Okay" he says. He walks away.

"What are you guys dressing as for Halloween?" I ask. "Not sure yet.. we were wanting to do a group costume, but we figured you'd go matching with derek" izzie says.

"Um.. I haven't really thought about it, honestly" I say. "Der!" I yell across the cafeteria. He looks down shyly as people look at him. I smile. He walks over.

"Mer, don't yell!" He whispers. "Its fine" I chuckle. "What?" He asks. "What are you dressing up as for Halloween?" I ask. "Isaac newton" he says.

"Seriously?" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "You don't want to do matching then?" I ask. "You could be an apple!" He says enthusiastically. I glare at him.

He crouches down infront of me so we're the same height because I'm sat down. "You wanna do a couples costume?" He asks. "If you want to.. I was just asking because if not then I can do a group one with them" I say.

"We can do whatever you want" he kisses me softly. I smile. He picks something up off of the floor. "Is this yours?" He holds up my scrunchie. "Oh, yeah" I go to grab it. He pulls it back.

"Mine now" he puts it on his wrist. I giggle. "You have to wear that all the time now" I say. "I will" he grins. I smile. 

"Marks over there babe" I point at him. "Oh" he stands up. "Bye" he smiles at me. "Bye" I smile. He walks away.

A little while later we go outside to the field to hang out there. We're sat on a picnic bench. I'm sat on the actual table part. "Mer?" Cristina holds up a joint. "Derek would kill me" I say. "Who cares" she says.

I take it and she lights it for me. I smoke it. "Do you guys hate derek?" I ask. "No" izzie says. "Cris?" I look at her. "I don't hate him.. he's just annoying" she says.

"No he isn't" I sigh. "He is" she says. "Why?" I ask. "He's just a loser" she says. "No he isn't.. Derek's amazing, you just don't know him like I do.. he's the nicest person ever and he's so cute and stupid.. but clever at the same time" I explain.

"And all you do is talk about him now.. its boring" cristina says. "I don't mean to" I sigh.

"Are you guys mad at me?" I ask. "No" they both say. "I thought you were" I say. "You have a boyfriend.. obviously things would've changed.. it doesn't mean that we're angry with you for it" izzie says. I smile.

"Do you like derek?" I ask. "Yes" izzie says. I smile. "Good" I say. "I'm gonna go to the toilet" I get up. I throw the joint aside and spray some perfume on myself.

I walk away and go to find derek instead. I smile as I find him sat by himself on a bench, reading a book. "Hi baby" I sit with him. "Hi" he puts his book down.

He hugs me. I kiss him softly. "Sorry for ditching you today" I say. "Its okay, I'm fine alone" he smiles.

"Have you been smoking?" He asks, pulling away as I kiss him again. "Um" I look down. "Mer!" He says. "I'm sorry" I kiss his cheek. "Don't kiss me" he pushes me away gently.

"Don't be angry" I chuckle. He takes my scrunchie off of his wrist and hands it to me. "No!" I giggle, putting it back on him. He chuckles.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore" he says. I laugh, hugging his neck. "I love you.. I'm sorry" I say. "I love you too" he grins.

"You want me to leave you alone so you can read again?" I ask. "No thankyou" he says. "Okay" I smile. I cuddle into him.

"I missed hanging out with you today baby" I whisper. "Me too" he smiles. I close my eyes, resting my head on his chest. He hugs me.

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