chapter 91

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I'm sat in class with my head down on the desk. Someone walks past me, running their fingers through my hair quickly. I lift my head up. I smile, looking back at derek.

He sits at the back of the class. "Oh great, you're finally awake now your boyfriends here" the teacher says. I look at him. Everyone laughs.

"Are you finally going to do some work?" He asks. "I don't know.. can I sit next to my boyfriend?" I smile sarcastically. "No" he says. I rest my head back onto the table.

"You're gonna get yourself a detention again" he says. I Ignore him, closing my eyes and falling asleep not too long after.

"Meredith" someone runs their hand up and down my back gently. I turn around, hitting it hard. "Ow, jesus" Derek says. "Oh, sorry" I say, hugging him. He chuckles.

"Class is over.. we have break" he says. I stand up, grabbing my stuff. I hold his hand as we walk out.

"Hey" we sit with my friends on the field. "Show us!" Izzie says. I giggle, pushing my hair off of my shoulders so they can see the tattoo. "Oh my god it's pretty" she says.

She grabs Derek's hand, looking at his. I chuckle softly. "I can't believe you got matching" Cristina says. "I know, its gonna be embarrassing now if we break up" I say. They laugh.

"At least we didn't get eachothers names or anything" I giggle. "Yeah, if we did break up.. Its only tiny so it could easily be covered" Derek says.

"You think we're gonna break up?" I ask. "What? No! I- I didn't say that.. I didn't mean-" he freaks out. I giggle. "You're teasing me" he says. I grin, nodding. He glares at me.

"What happened in the back of Derek's car the other day mer?" Izzie smirks. I glare at her. "Cristina you're such a-" I say. She laughs.

"My legs were shaking for hours" I smirk. "I'm going to class" he stands up. "No! I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you" I giggle, pulling him back down.

"I'd love for izzie to brag about me like she does.. what's wrong with you?" Alex chuckles. "Leave him alone, he's shy" I giggle.

The bell rings. He stands up. He kneels back down to me. I smile as he kisses my cheek. He brushes a strand of hair out of my face with his finger as I just look straight forward.

"I'll see you after science.. meet me at my car, okay?" He says, brushing my hair out of my face. I nod. He walks away.

"You two are disgustingly cute" izzie says. I grin. "He's the best, isn't he?" I say. They smile, nodding. I smile.

"How is it with your dad?" Izzie asks. I shrug. "I haven't spoke to him.. I've been at Derek's for the past two days" I say.

"I can't believe he found your dirty clothes man" Alex chuckles. "I can't believe you wore lingerie" izzie says. "It was her idea!" I point at cristina. They chuckle.

"Did he like it?" She asks. "Mhm" I giggle, nodding. She chuckles. "You're gonna end up getting knocked up" Cristina chuckles. I giggle but my heart drops.

"I gotta go to class" I stand up. "Cristina come with me" I say. She groans, standing up. We walk away from the group. "I haven't had a period in two months" I say. She looks at me shocked.

"I-I'll go to the shop quickly and get you a test" she says. "Right now?" I ask. "Yeah!" She says. "Okay" I say.


"Cristina I'm scared" I say. "Just pee on the damn stick!" She hits the bathroom door.


I walk out of the bathroom stall. She grabs the test. I wash my hands. "Just three minutes" she says.

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