Last day of school/ dentist appointment

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Stella didn't told Kelly about her mom. He was still very curious about who the lady was. Stella was getting ready in the locker room as Kelly walk in looking at her.

Kelly: It's going to be a problem between us if you don't tell me who that woman was.

Stella: Kelly..

Kelly: Tell me, I'm your husband you're supposed to tell me what's going on.

Stella: You really wanna know who she is?

Kelly: Like hell I do.

Stella: She's my mom. Kelly look at her speechless as she nodded.

Kelly: I thought your mom was dead?

Stella: I thought she was too but she's alive.

Kelly: Are you happy?

Stella: I don't know.

Kelly: Well, go get e'm. She nodded as he kissed her cheek.

Stella: Okay.. I'm scared tho what if she come with some men and they kidnap me?

Kelly: Girl you can fight don't let them get to you.

Stella: Okay.. She smile.

Kelly: Okay I'm going home to the girls, I'll cya later.

Stella: Cya. Stella left heading to breakfast.

Ash: Stella! Over here! She stood up as she greeted Stella to the table.

Stella: Hey.. Mom..

Ash: Have a seat. They sat down. So how was your day at work?

Stella: It was okay, yours?

Ash: Had a nice nap actually, listen.. I know you are still working about how I died but after your dad told me that he had to left Milwaukee I just thought I had to fake being dead so I couldn't take you guys with me.

Stella: Mom! We we're teens.. I was 17 when you died, well "fake being dead." I had to get adopted by these really nice elderly couple then they died.. I got pregnant at 16 I think and you weren't there!

Ash: Stella.. Baby..

Stella: No mom! You well hit 13 and your pregnant!

Ash: You should be happy that I had your siblings! Your sisters and brother that you play with!

Stella: You know what mom? I'm leaving!

Ash: Baby no!

Stella: Years you left now your here! I started my first job at a fire station, move 2 different houses until I'm at 51 I found "The love of my life Kelly Severide." I Layla was 7 at the time and her keep asking me who my mom was? How come she never met her. Layla is 14 now mom, you only saw her once and that was when she was born.

Ash: I'm sorry baby.. She grab Stella's hands.

Stella: I have 4 girls now and I'm also married planning to have another baby in 2 years.

Ash: Wow..

Stella: Yup.

Ash: Well I'm happy for you. After they ordered breakfast as Stella paid.

Stella: Well I have to get going now.

Ash: Yeah okay so when are you going to introduce me to Mr. Severide?

Stella: Uhm.. I'm not sure actually.

Ash: Ah okay and I'll bring your father and our new member of the family.

Stella: You had a new baby?

Ash: Yeah a baby girl name Ayla.

Stella: Ohh.

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now