We had a serious talk with our daughter

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Next morning:
Stella was up early on her laptop looking for places to hold Layla's birthday party. Kelly was still asleep as he turned the other side. He instantly saw the light coming from Stella's laptop as he turned around.

Kelly: Stella what the hell it's literally 6 in morning.

Stella: Yeah but I can't sleep.

Kelly: Come here. He grab her hand pulling her down as he kissed her head.

Stella: Oh no I don't want to lay down either Kelly the baby literally kept me up all night. She said rubbing her stomach. Kelly held her shirt up as he place his stomach on her bump.

Kelly: Babe.

Stella: No I'm not sleepy oh my I got to pee again. She signed.

Kelly: That's the 15th time in the night.

Stella: Lol.

Kelly: You pee a lot last night no cap.

Stella: Yeah duh she was on my bladder the whole of last night there's nothing I can do. She headed to the bathroom passing water. She wash her hands before drying them. She climb back in the bed kissing Kelly's head as they talk about the baby but then Kelly fell asleep. Stella called his name then realize he was asleep.
Stella couldn't sleep at all. She got up heading downstairs to make some scramble eggs and bacon. She then felt someone kissing her neck and hands on her stomach.

Kelly: Good morning sunshine.

Stella: Oh lord..

Kelly: What?

Stella: Nothing and good morning to you to. She give him his breakfast as he kissed her lips roughly as she grab his neck.

Kelly: Are you going to strangle me?

Stella: No.

Kelly: Good.

Jennifer: Good morning love birds!

Kelly: Good morning mom.

Stella:  Morning!

Kelly: Stella made breakfast yours is on the table.

Jennifer: Oh thank you baby.

Kelly: No problem.

Jennifer: No not you I didn't mean you. Stella laugh as Kelly got mad.

Stella: Your welcome.

Kelly: Why are you treating me like this? I'm your son you know??  

Jennifer: I know.

Kelly: Treat me like it.

Jennifer: So your jealous?

Kelly: You leave my house and go find your own place if your going to be giving her all the attention! Kelly heading upstairs mad slamming the door waking Layla up.

Stella: Oops..

Jennifer: I'm so sorry.

Stella: It's okay. She headed upstairs opening the door seeing Kelly outside by the balcony sitting down. She put her hoodie on heading inside as she stood in front of Kelly.

Kelly: What?

Stella: Do you really want to kick your mom out?

Kelly: Yes! She treats you better than me.

Stella: And?

Kelly: It makes me sad.

Stella: Sad? Or jealous?

Kelly: Maybe.

Stella: Come I'm still here. She sat in his lap kissing his neck.

Kelly: You will leave me.

Stella: No I won't Kelly.

Kelly: Yeah whatever.

Stella: Kelly.

Kelly: No!

Stella: Look I'm not going to leave you so get up and get inside now! She headed to slide the door open but he grab her hand.

Kelly: Give me a kiss and a hug. She hug and kiss him before grabbing his hand pulling her up.

Stella: Come let's go inside.
Few hours later:
Jennifer was out on a date with someone she was happy with. She never told Kelly or Stella but she kept it a secret. Layla was sitting by the Island eating popcorn when her parents sat on either side if her.

Layla: Oh hii.

Kelly: Hey uh we need to talk.

Stella: But we're not mad at you.

Layla: Okay?

Kelly: So you told your mom few weeks ago that you don't want do have a brother or sister anymore. Now that we're having a baby girl why do you not want a sibling anymore? Layla was tearing up.

Layla: Because I.. I think.. She will get more attention and she'll get everything.

Stella: Aww baby. She kissed her head.

Kelly: No it's okay it's going to be fine.

Stella: Your going to be a big sister.

Layla: But I like being the only sister.

Kelly: Do you want to be the only child?

Layla: Yeah.

Kelly: Why tho? Why?

Layla: Because she's going to get all my stuff.

Stella: She's not going to take your stuff.

Kelly: Layla she's a baby, your 9 years old almost and if you both we're suppose to share it would be a good thing. Your supposed to share with your sister, you supposed to love one another. Your supposed to help each other out that's a good thing. That way you wouldn't be bored anymore you'll have company.

Stella: Then your going to be a big sister your going to be a role model.

Layla: Then you guys are going to go shopping with her all the time.

Kelly: Dude we're going to shop for everyone in the house.

Stella: Bro you just call her dude.

Kelly: I'm sorry!

Stella: Anyways we're going to shop for you the baby everyone in our family okay?

Kelly: Yeah that way you'll have someone to carry around play video games even play dolls together.

Layla: No.

Stella: But we're never going to stop loving you your our kid.

Kelly: Fact, we're going to love you more because your taking more responsibility of being an older sister there's no need to be jealous okay?

Stella: Yeah no need for jealousy.

Kelly: Yeah no need for jealousy now I want to hear you say I want to be a big sister really bad.

Layla: I want to be a big sister really bad.

Stella: Say it louder!

Layla: I want to be a big sister really bad!

Kelly: One more time like you mean it.


Kelly: Let's goooo! Look man I don't want to hear those words coming out of your mouth okay? Your going to be the best sister ever okay?

Layla: Okay. He place Layla in his lap kissing her head.

Stella: We love you okay? And we will always love you! Kelly grab Stella's hand as she laid in his neck.
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes!

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