Your joking right?

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Few weeks later:
It's been few weeks as Stella and Kelly were trying for a baby. Stella took multiple test and they were all negative, but today she took 3 pregnancy test and they came back positive. Kelly decided to take Stella out on a date but she told him she was okay. Kelly was on shift and Stella decided not to go since she wasn't feeling good. Layla's school had a day of so Stella and Layla were going to chill today.

Layla: Mom? Are you okay? Your making me sad..

Stella: Aww baby I think.. I think I'm pregnant! Layla's eyes widen.

Layla: What!? Really!? A baby!?

Stella: Yeah no I don't know let's go make an appointment or something so I will make sure if I really am and I need you not to mention this to Kelly I want to surprise him.

Layla: Yes let's do it! Then her phone rang.

Stella: He's calling! Stella pick up the phone.

On the phone call:
Stella: Hello?

Kelly: Hey baby how are you feeling?

Stella: I feel a little bit okay. She said sniffing.

Kelly: Hey hey don't cry.

Stella: I'm sorry.

Kelly: Hey don't say sorry I miss you so much already.

Stella: I miss you too.

Kelly: Are you having any pains? Like I don't wanna say this but are you on your period??

Stella: No.

Kelly: Ohhk then are you sick like cold sick? Flu?

Stella: No!

Kelly: Okay- Then the bells went of. That's me I gotta go babe.

Stella: No baby! She fake cried as Layla burst out laughing.

Kelly: What is she laughing at?

Stella: Oh tv show..

Kelly: Ohhk I'll stop by after the call okay?

Stella: No no it's okay ima go to med and get a check up and see if everything is okay don't worry.

Kelly: Ohhk bye be safe I love you!

Stella: Bye be safe I love you too!
End of phone call.

Layla: Aww.

Stella: Whatever lets go to med.

Layla: Okay. They left locking up as Stella lock the gate before driving to med.

At med:
April: Hey it's Stella right? Kelly's girlfriend?

Stella: Oh hii April right?

April: Yes what brings you to med?

Stella: I think I'm pregnant and I just want to see if I really am.

April: Aww congrats come on let's go and run some blood test.

Layla: Are you a doctor?

April: No no I'm a nurse.

Layla: So you get the do surgery?

April: No if all the doctors are out with patients I will assist on helping.

Layla: Ooo so how much money do you make?

April: Woah your asking a lot of question..

Stella: Yup she wants to be a doctor/nurse, cop or a firefighter.

April: Aww that's nice I make $1,149 a week which is good right?

Stella: I think so.

Layla: How much money do you make mom?

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now