Moving in with Brett

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It's been a week since Cruz and Chloe got married. Chloe was now pregnant and Cruz had knew about it. Kelly and Stella decided that they wanted to move houses since the owner's sister was having babies and really wanted the house. Kelly and Stella both had 2 months to find there own place together.

Kelly: Babe remember how you said that you wanted us to live in a house on the beach?

Stella: Yeah?

Kelly: Well let's start planning how to build this house.

Stella: After we got married I wanted to move now we gotta move like now ugh.

Kelly: We can get an apartment to live in after we get married find a house.

Stella: Okay..

Kelly: Come let's go look online.

Stella: But Kelly..

Kelly: We will move our own furniture not leaving it here.

Stella: Okay.. They look at some apartments which took 1 hour. They kids we're at school and at daycare so Stella and Kelly decided to have some alone time.

Kelly: This is nice?

Living room:

Living room:

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Master bedroom:

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Master bedroom:

Master bedroom:

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