I'm happy for you

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2 days later:
Stella was pacing back and forth waiting on a call from her landlord to see if she got the apartment. Layla and Kelly were cuddling on the couch watch Peppa pig.

Stella: Seriously guys?

Kelly: What?

Stella: Bruh Layla how could you watch that?

Kelly: Hey!

Stella: Sorry I just.. I- I'm just waiting for the Sheryl to call.

Kelly: She will call in the mean time let's watch a movie okay?

Layla: I don't wanna go mommy..

Stella: Why not?

Kelly: Yeah why not?

Layla: Because you would stop talking to mommy and we will have no one..

Stella: What do you mean we'll have no one?

Kelly: Aww I'm going to be here only one call away and you have my number you can call or text me anytime.

Layla: But still! Kelly come with me. She got up heading to his bedroom.

Kelly: What happened?

Layla: You should of kissed her! You need too now!

Kelly: What!? I can't kiss your mom! We're only friends and I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

Layla: You and her should be lovers instead.

Kelly: Layla..

Layla: No! Go and kiss her and tell her not to leave.

Kelly: Ayla.. Like I do wanna kiss her but I can't bring myself into doing it.. I just don't wanna lose you guys..

Layla: Your not going to. They hug as Kelly pick her up heading to the kitchen.

Kelly: What do you guys wanna eat?

Layla: Pizza!

Kelly: Stella? Stella? Stella? Stella!

Stella: Yeah yeah yeah?

Kelly: What do you wanna eat?

Stella: Anything is fine.

Layla: Pizza..

Kelly: Sure I'll order. Kelly ordered a large pepperoni pizza as Stella's phone rang.

On the phone call:
Stella: Hello?

Sheryl: Hi is this Stella?

Stella: Yeah?

Sheryl: Oh hi Stella it's Sheryl, I have good news for you.

Stella: Okay?

Sheryl: The apartment is all yours!

Stella: What!? Really!? She said excitedly.

Sheryl: Yes please you'll move it when your ready.

Stella: Okay can I move today?

Sheryl: Of course what time?

Stella: I'll be there in an hour.

Sheryl: Great see you then.

Stella: See you!
End of phone call.

Kelly: What? Oh no you got the house?

Stella: Well the apartment and yes I got it!

Kelly: I don't want you to leave..

Layla: Let's stay.

Stella: But I wanna go..

Kelly: It's fine.. If you call me or I come over ever day on evenings.

Stella: Deal! They hug tightly.

Kelly: I'm happy for you.

Stella: Thank you.

Kelly: Come let's go and get packing. Kelly help Stella pack as Layla tug as his hand.

Layla: Will you sleep over for tonight please? Kelly and Stella look at each other.

Stella: Sure. Kelly went to kiss Stella as he then didn't.

Kelly: I'm sorry..

Stella: Were you going to kiss me? Then the door knock Kelly headed to go and get it as it was the pizza guy.

Guy: Pizza!

Kelly: Thanks. Kelly give him a tip.

Guy: Yo thanks man.

Kelly: No problem. Kelly close the door as he place the pizza on the counter.

At Stella's apartment:
Kelly: Okay Lay-Lay where here. He tap her waking her up as she ride with him in his car.

Layla: I'm sleepy.

Kelly: Okay then. He park the car before getting out, he pick Layla up before heading over to Stella.

Stella: Layla get up!

Layla: Mannnnnn..

Kelly: She's sleepy..

Stella: Yeah she should of went to sleep early last night.

Kelly: That's rude..

Stella: No it's not she doesn't listen to me all she does is run behind you-

Kelly: So your jealous?

Stella: Why would I be?

Kelly: Look. He put Layla down. I put her down are you happy now?

Stella: Now that's being rude.

Kelly: Yeah cause your mad at her for sleeping late.

Stella: She literally went to sleep at 12:57 this morning and your saying that I'm mad at her for sleeping late unbelievable you know what Kelly? Don't tell me how to treat my daughter! They look at each other as he signed.

Kelly: Fine if that's how you want it.

Layla: What? No!

Kelly: No Layla you should listen to your mom you should sleep earlier.

Layla: But I don't sleep early when I don't have school.

Stella: Your bedtime is 10:00 when you don't have school Layla not going 1:00 you knew that already.

Layla: Fine I'm sorry..

Kelly: And I'm sorry for being rude to you..

Stella: It's okay. They hug. I'm sorry too.

Kelly: Don't be you were just doing your part as a mother. They headed inside as Stella got settled in her new apartment.

Stella: This is awesome.

Kelly: Yeah. He kiss her cheek.

Stella: Well tomorrow is shift so we're in bed early Layla you'll going school tomorrow go and take a shower.

Layla: Okay.

Kelly: Aww your a great mom. He rub her hand.

Stella: I try.
A/N: Hope you like it, I know it's short. Sorry for any mistakes.

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