Kayla Amiya Severide

350 9 7

Few days later:
Kelly and Stella we're home today since Stella was having multiple contractions. Today was her due date so it was very obvious. Kelly was very worried about Stella. She would cry all day and complain of pains. Natalie said to only come to med if her water broke or having really bad contractions. Kelly would walk Stella around the house as she would drink water. It would start to ez a little but her contractions we're coming back.

Kelly: Baby I want to take you to med.

Stella: Kellyyyyyy! She screamed in pain pushing a little bit.

Kelly: Come let's get you to med.

Stella: We don't have a stroller yet.

Kelly: We'll buy one after you give birth and get out of the hospital.

Stella: Okay.. But Natalie said there was a high way collagen and there out of doctors and nurses.

Kelly: But your fucking going into labor right now are you kidding me!?

Stella: Kelly! It hurts so bad.

Kelly: I know baby we should home birth if there out of staff.

Stella: You don't even know how to deliver a baby tho!

Kelly: I will learn today.

Stella: Are you sure you want to do this? At least can you get Brett or Dawson?

Kelly: Sure, but do you know how to deliver a baby?

Stella: Of course I do Kelly!

Kelly: Okay.. Just asking.

Stella: Come let's go to the mall. He help her up as she headed to her shoes.

Kelly: You sure?

Stella: Yes we're only going for the stroller.

Kelly: Yeah come. Stella drove her Tesla to the mall before parking it.

Stella: Come quick. They headed inside they headed to the baby store.

Kelly: You like this one?

Stella: Is that a newborn stroller?

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Stella: Is that a newborn stroller?

Kelly: That's what it says.

Stella: Okay good let's get it. Stella used her card to pay as they headed home setting up the stroller.

Kelly: Nice.

Stella: I honestly feel like I'm 7-8cm delay.

Kelly: Yeah I think so too I don't want you to be alone at this time.

Stella: It's okay, you could of gone to work you know that right? Come let's go to the firehouse. We're going to walk with the carseat and baby bag.

Kelly: I have our bag in the car well in my car.

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now