Baby girl's nursery

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2 months later:
It's September 5th of 2019. Kelly and Stella had there baby shower 4 days ago. Only 5 more days until baby Kayla Amiya Severide would be born. Kelly and Stella couldn't be more happier. Layla was at school as Kelly were on shift. Stella was home with Sparkles lonely. She decided to call Kelly as he pick up the first ring.

On the phone call:
Kelly: Hey what happened? Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?

Stella: Kelly! Yes the baby is okay.

Kelly: Okay good then why did you call?

Stella: So I can't call you? I just felt so lonely without you.

Kelly: Aww of course you can, I feel lonely without you too I just thought you were in labor.

Stella: Aww how sweet but I actually think ima make it to 39 weeks.

Kelly: I hope.

Stella: Nothing is wrong if I give birth now you know it's normal the baby would be still healthy.

Kelly: That's good, I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet her.

Stella: Yeah.

Kelly: Wait I got to go the bells just rang.

Stella: Okay bye love you be safe!

Kelly: Bye beautiful, love you too!
Stella headed to make herself a sandwich. Later then she heard the door opening. She quickly got a knife she realized it was Kelly.

Kelly: Hey beautiful!

Stella: Ah you scared me that's why I got the knife sorry.

Kelly: It's okay, I got you something.

Stella: Oh really?

Kelly: Yeah. He give her flowers, a large Starbucks pink drink, and a large caramel frappuccino. He also got her a teddy bear and some McDonald's. Stella burst out laughing.

Stella: Omg thank you so much!

Kelly: Hahahahaha, your welcome.

Stella: You didn't have to you know that right?

Kelly: Of course I did you said you felt lonely, where's Sparkles?

Stella: Taking a shit outside. They laugh then Kelly's radio went of.

Kelly: Copy that we're on our way. He said through his radio. Well I'll see you later I'll stop by later down this evening again. He said kissing her once as he headed to the door.

Stella: Wait wait wait help me before I spill the drink. He quickly put her drinks down kissing each other once more before leaving.

Kelly: Let's go! Kelly climb in the truck as Tony drove to the seen. Stella smelt her flowers before putting the Starbucks drinks inside the fridge.

Few hours later:
Kelly was chilling on his bunk when he decided to text Stells. He send her a text "Hey beautiful" but she never responded.

Kelly: Stella? Babe? Baby?


Kelly: 3:35pm.

Stella: I'm sleeping tho.

Kelly: You scared me.

Stella: I had my phone on silent because I wanted to sleep.

Kelly: Ah I'm sorry have you eaten yet?

Stella: Maybe.

Kelly: How long ago?

Stella: 12 something?

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now