Kayla's first day of preschool!

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Today was Kayla's first day of school and Layla's last year old middle school. Next year she will be in high school. Kelly was getting Kayla ready for school her white shirt with a panda on it, her shirt jeans pants, with white socks and her Louis Vuitton shoes.

 Kelly was getting Kayla ready for school her white shirt with a panda on it, her shirt jeans pants, with white socks and her Louis Vuitton shoes

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Kelly: Alright mama you look sweet go let mommy do your hair.

Kayla: Okay.. Kayla got down heading to get her hair done.

Stella: Okay Cinderella are you ready? Stella place her in the chair before spinning her around as she giggled. She took the ruffle out her head before spraying her hair with a little bit of water before combing it out.

Kayla: Ow! She cried as Stella took her to the living room combing her hair out.

Stella: I'm sorry baby. She finished combing her hair out as Kelly came downstairs with Kayla's bag and extra clothes in case if she wets herself.

Kelly: Okay water and juice in the side pockets, you have extra clothes in your bag then you have crayons and the big pencils in your pencil case, you have food in here in case you don't want the food they bring or something then we will have to take the container there.

Stella: We?

Kelly: Your not coming to see your 2nd child go to school?

Stella: No?

Kelly: You can't do that.

Stella: You can't just expect me to leave the twins here.

Kelly: You can leave them here.. Fine I'll call Brett to watch them.

Stella: She's on shift.

Kelly: And?

Stella: You wouldn't like someone's child to dump them on you when your on a job right?

Kelly: No?

Stella: Exactly.

Kelly: They can stay in the car.

Stella: Kelly are you retarded?

Kelly: Maybe look if you wanna stay home, stay.

Kayla: No mommy. She cried.

Kelly: Layla is already gone too.

Stella: You think she'll go to school at 8? Stella did Kayla's hair putting some Red One wax brushing it up and putting her hair in a bun. Making sure to do her edges.

 Making sure to do her edges

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