Twins coming home

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It's been a few days since Stella give birth to the twins. It was finally time to bring them home. Stella was getting dressed in the bathroom as Kelly knock before coming in.

Kelly: Oh hey.

Stella: Hi.

Kelly: Your not in the mood?

Stella: Hospital food sucks I just wanna get out of here.

Kelly: Haha well are you done?

Stella: I think so.

Kelly: Hehe you still have a bump.

Stella: Hmm. Kelly took her hand as they headed out of the bathroom.

Kelly: So they aren't gonna dress alike.

Stella: Nope not until they get older.

Kelly: Sure so when we call them they know-

Stella: Yup.

Kelly: Alright let's hurry and get out of here. They headed back to the car as Stella took Ellie and Kelly took Lilly. They buckle each child in their Lamborghini before heading home.

At home..
Kelly had gotten home before Stella since she had to stop for Starbucks for the girls. She then drove home before taking the baby out. The headed inside as Kelly was outside with Lilly getting some fresh air. Stella place Ellie in her crib before turning the baby monitor on. She watch her on her phone as Kelly look at her.

Kelly: I don't think she likes me..

Stella: Dude you have a hoodie and a shirt on she isn't satisfied with that. Stella giggled as Kelly took his hoodie of.

Kelly: Ima go upstairs and watch tv okay? Where's Ellie?

Stella: Sleeping.

Kelly: This one doesn't wanna leave I think she's a daddy's girl. Stella rolled her eyes as Kelly giggled.

Stella: Just letting you know I'm not-

Layla: I'm a teenager!

Kelly: ...

Stella: Oh yes you are.

Layla: I'm 13 which means.. I'm not a pre-teen anymore.

Kelly: Yes your a teenager. Layla headed of to her room.

Stella: She's going to be a stubborn one now huh.

Kelly: Hahaha. Kelly headed upstairs taking his shirt of as he place Lilly in his chest before turning the tv on.

Stella: Isn't this adorable?

Kelly: Hush! Why are you following us? Stella rolled her eyes before leaving. Kelly tried to stop here but she headed downstairs cuddle with Kayla and Layla watching "Daniel Tiger Neighborhood."

Kayla: Teddy bear!

Stella: Yes baby teddy bear.

Layla: Are you having another baby mom?

Stella: Nope just this will go down after a few weeks.

Layla: Ooo what if I have a baby growing up I mean at the age you had me would you be mad?

Stella: Well yes and no because you shouldn't be sleeping with a guy at 16.

Layla: I thought you we're older.. Well I want a baby at 20-23.

Stella: Are you sure?

Layla: Yes I think it'll be cool.

Stella: Well just hope you find the perfect gu-

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