The fight

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Today September the 13th 2021. It's Layla's first day of Middle school. Stella and Kelly drop Kayla of at the daycare before heading to get breakfast.

Stella: Do you think we should go to Layla's school and see her?

Kelly: We'll see her later this evening, no worries. They got an egg sandwich and a coffee from Starbucks before eating in the car. Kelly drove to the firehouse as they walk up together hand in hand.

Stella: I'm going to get ready.

Kelly: Are you mad at me? For what I said?

Stella: No I'm not I just wanted to see her.

Kelly: I mean if you want to see her you can go I'm not stopping you.

Stella: No I'm okay she'll still come back later.

Kelly: Yeah. Just then the bell rang "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 multiple vehicle accident 3891 Jackson Ave." Everyone quickly left heading to the call.

Casey: Kidd you assist squad, Mouch, Herrmann take the jeep, Otis with me.

Truck: Copy that lieutenant! Stella headed over to squad Kelly a was giving his men orders.

Kelly: Okay ma'am can you hear me? The lady stood silent as the seat belt had cause a gash in her chest. Kelly cut the seat belt before climb in. Capp and Tony lift Stella inside as she examine the lady.

Stella: Hi there I'm Stella what's your name?

Lady: R- Rachael.

Stella: Okay Rachael do you remember what happened? She shake her head no. Okay well I'm going to put a C-colar around your neck. Rachael nodded as Stella put the C-colar around her neck.

Kelly: Capp the jaws! After a few minutes Kelly called for the backboard. They got the lady out as Capp and Tony lift Stella out. Kelly dive out as the car catch on fire.

Cruz: Capp, Tony fire extinguisher! They put out the fire as Kelly grab Stella's arm.

Kelly: Hey you okay?

Stella: Y-yeah I'm good.. She slightly smile.

Casey: Okay 81 pack up! Stella walk away as Kelly watch her as he order his men to pack up.

Back at the firehouse:
Stella got out the the truck taking her bunker gear of then squad pulled in as it extremely loud. Stella got a phone call as it was from Kayla's daycare.

On the phone call:
Stella: Hello?

Nanny: Hi, can I speak to Stella?

Stella: This is she.

Nanny: Hi Stella, sorry to bother you at work but 3 children tested positive for covid here and we're shutting down the daycare and testing the children so if you can come pick Kayla up and get her tested?

Stella: Oh no uhh.. Yeah sure I'll be there in 5..

Nanny: Thank you, see you then.

Stella: Yeah..
End of phone call.

Kelly: Hey is everything okay?

Stella: No.. 3 children tested positive for covid and the daycare and she wants me to get Kayla tested. Her voice was slowly going away.

Kelly: Your losing your voice..

Stella: But that's not a symptom.. Ugh where's Casey?

Kelly: In his office. Stella headed to Casey's office telling him everything. He told her to go as Stella got a mask from her locker before leaving.

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