A day before the wedding

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Kelly's pov:
It's the 20th of November and Stella and I are getting married tomorrow. They girls are about to leave and the boys we're on there way to pick me up. They rented a limo to pick us up. Stella was in bed writing her vows but then I saw her tear the paper.

Kelly: Hey what's that about?

Stella: I have nothing to write about!

Kelly: And it's okay you still have time to write it.

Stella: Yeah but..

Kelly: But nothing! I cut her off. Let's not worry about the vows let's just have fun! I help her up as she just smiled at me.

Stella: Alright let me go get ready because the girls are soon here.

Kelly: A limo is coming to pick me and the boys up. I said smiling.

Stella: Aww.

Kelly: Yeah you?

Stella: I don't know. Then they heard a helicopter passing over the apartment.

Kelly: What's that?

General POV:
After Kelly and Stella heard the helicopter passing over, Kelly and Stella headed to look through the window as Stella's phone rang. She pick it up hearing Brett saying to come outside and bring the girls.

Stella: Omgggg! No way!

Kelly: Is that your ride!?

Stella: Pinch me I must me dreaming. Kelly pinch Stella. Ow!

Kelly: You said pinch you!

Stella: Lol byeee!

Kelly: I love you I'll see you later, I'll call you!

Stella: Bye sweety I love you too, text you later! They kissed as Stella got the girls ready. They said there goodbyes to Kelly before leaving. They all got in the helicopter which landing on the grass few seconds from the apartment. Stella and the girls hope in as Kelly watch them flew away. He started to tear up seeing the girls fly away.

In the hotel room:
Brett, Stella, Grace and the rest of the girls made it to the room they we're staying at. A couple hours had pass and Kelly was missing Stella. He decided to send her text saying "He misses her and to call him when he gets a change."

Stella: Hey I miss you too.

Kelly: You finally replied! I was so worried..

Stella: Baby I wasn't home and Kayla drop my phone and drop it in the water now it's barely working.

Kelly: Awww!

Stella: So yeah I'm getting a new phone now just about to leave home with Brett btw we got this room and there's a pool on the roof like we can go upstairs and swim!

Kelly: That's so cool!

Stella: Ikr.

Kelly: I'm eating In and Out right now🙂

Stella: Don't, I'm starving.

Kelly: 😐

Stella: What's wrong?

Kelly: I just feel lonely lmao😭

Stella: Where the guys?

Kelly: Out and I'm here alone.

Stella: WHAT!?😳

Kelly: Yeah they gone shopping for things for me and left me all alone.

Stella: I wish you can be here it's fun but it's not that fun without you.

The love of my life Kelly SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now