Layla sick

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2 days later:
It's a Saturday morning as Layla wasn't feeling good today. She kept throwing up as Stella was worried about her. Kelly was out fishing with Casey for the day. It was currently 11:23am and Layla was throwing up in the bathroom. Stella decided to call Kelly and tell him.

On the phone call:
Kelly: Hey babe, what's up?

Stella: Kelly.. Ayla isn't feeling good.. She's always in bed, she's throwing up I don't know what else to do. She has a fever and right now I'm making soup.. Should I take her to the hospital?

Kelly: Oh no.. Is she throwing up?

Stella: Yeah she is and she's very miserable.

Kelly: Yeah ima text you April Sexton's number, she's my friend from years ago she's a nurse at Chicago Med.

Stella: Ohhk what is she going to do?

Kelly: She's going to talk to you I don't know I'm still fishing with Casey do you need me to come home?

Stella: No no you enjoy your time I'll give April a call.

Kelly: You sure you don't need me there?

Stella: No I got it thanks.

Kelly: No problem call me as soon as you hear news.

Stella: I will.
End of phone call.

Casey: What's that about?

Kelly: I don't know Layla is sick.

Casey: Oh no do you wanna go home?

Kelly: No Stella says stay here and enjoy my time but can you call Dawson and tell her that to go by my place? Till I come home?

Casey: Sure okay I'll give her a call.

On the phone call:
Gabby: Hey babe!

Casey: Hey babe!

Gabby: What's up?

Casey: Layla isn't feeling well and Kelly wants to know if you can go home there with her and Stella and to stay there till we get back.

Gabby: Oh why?

Casey: He's asking a favor because Layla is sick.

Gabby: Oh no! Why didn't Stella call me? Okay ima go now.

Casey: Thank you.

Gabby: No problem.
End of phone call.
Casey: She says she'll go now.

Kelly: Thank god!

Back at home:
Stella: Layla.. Come here baby. She pick Layla up as she laid in her mom's neck.

Layla: Sick.

Stella: It's okay I'm here damn your so hot let me check your temperature. She check Layla's temperature. She was 107.9

Layla: How is it?

Stella: It's 107.9..

Layla: Is that bad?

Stella: Your temperature is high.

Layla: Oh no..

Stella: Ima finish making your soup okay? You go watch.. Ima give you a warm bath when I'm done okay?

Layla: Okay. Stella adding some potatoes in a separate sauce pan to cook before hearing the door knock. She headed to go answer the door Gabby there.

Gabby: Hey girl!

Stella: Oh hey what brings you by? How'd you know the address?

Gabby: Kelly told Matt and Matt told me because Layla is sick.

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