Chapter 1: Why?

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Charlotte's Point of View

Why? This is the worse day of my life...Why did he freaking cheat on me? I loved him, I really did...*cries* Damn it Cameron...I fucking hate you right now...Freaking player like everyone else...I am a good catch...I know I am...But why In this freaking world would Cameron cheat on me...I thought he loved me..Well I was wrong, so damn wrong...I gotta call somebody..I need a shoulder to cry on..Oh but now I don't got one...With tears in my eyes..I look for my phone...Lindsay! I can talk to her about anything..She is my bestfriend she will understand..I tap the 'Call' button and start the call..Please answer!!

"Hello?" I hear Lindsay's voice from the other line...

"Lindsay!! Is Charlotte..Thank god you answered..*sobs* I need help" I say as my eyes get more teary..

"Woah..Girl..Calm down..You can talk to me..What's going on..why are you crying?" She says with a calming voice..

"Is freaking Cameron..He fucking cheated on me..Why would he do that..I loved him Lindsay!! I was going to his house and *sobs* I opened the door and there he was on top of a blond bitch..her name is Lilly *rolls eyes* And I then left..He tried calling me, texting me, that he was sorry, that he still loves me...He still loves me my ass!! Right now I'm single as hell..Cameron is out of my life...I swear I fucking hate him right now.." I say as I'm about to punch something...

"That freaking jerk! I knew he was a freaking player...You know how boys are this days...And I warned you but didn't listen..I so wanna say 'I told you so' but is not the time right now..Girl let me come over to your house and we'll talk this trough..Alright?"

"Alright...I'll see you soon" I say as I end the call...

I take all the stuff that Cameron has given me like teddy bears, pictures of us, all that junk and throw it in the fire place...Burn Baby Burn...Cameron can go ahead and forget about me because I ain't coming back if that's what he is thinking. I hear the doorbell..Thank you god that Lindsay's here..I owe her one big time...I go downstairs and open the door...I see Lindsay..I wipe a tear from my eye and hug her...

"Hey Charlotte...Okay..Come on we gotta talk this through..I'm here whenever you need me..just know that" She says as she walks in my house...

"Yeah Thanks so much...I would be lost without you..I swear!..You want something to eat or drink?" I ask her as we walk into the living room..

"Well...Some water..Thank you girl!" She says as she seats down...

I go into the kitchen and pull out of the cabinet 2 cups and pour water in them..I come back to the living room and seat down beside her..

"So Charlotte, Tomorrow's the first day of 10th grade...Aren't you excited?" She says so she can make me feel better..

"Shit..No I am not ready for it..I might see know? Awkward shit going on...But maybe yeah a little.."

"I am a little excited..but not that much..I mean who likes school? In my word Nobody.." She says as she makes me giggle a little bit.

"Yeah..I mean is okay for me but I sure don't love it.." I say as I take a sip from my cup.

Me and Lindsay talk for a while...I take my phone and look at the 8:00 p.m..shit times goes flying this days..I feel kinda better now...Lindsay leaves and I stay in the couch just thinking about tomorrow...Ugh...I don't feel like going to school! I put on my pajamas and watch some T.V before I noticed I was asleep..

Next Day...

*yawns* Okay..I am awake...That's strange I'm not sleepy at all..I get up and start getting myself ready for school..My first day of school..Damn that sounds exciting yay! *says sarcastically* Anyways...I take a shower...Put on my clothes..I look out the window...Some pants and a long sleeve shirt would be fine for this type of day..I finish getting my hair done..I put some makeup and go downstairs..When I go to the living room...I find a note..What's this? I start reading..

'Dear Charlotte, Your dad and I have to go to Los Angeles to go see your grandmother..We will be home in 2 days...Enjoy your first day as a 10th grader..Xoxo, Mommy'

Okay..They have to go to Los Angeles..Just 30 minutes from Santa Barbara..That's good..I hope Granny Jojo is okay...I look at the marks 7:30 a.m..Perfect...Should I go walking or take the bus? I think I should go walking..My bus is so lame..I can't even have my phone out...How lame is that? So I grab some toast and make myself a banana and strawberry smoothie...I finish eating and brushing my teeth and I'm out...After a 10 minute walk I get there...Okay 10th grade..Here I come *gulps*...I enter the building...And find myself in the middle of the hallway..I look for my class...Room 303...I walk all over the hallway until I find Room 303..Finally! I open the door and see Lindsay sitting there..She waves at me and I wave back..I walk towards her and sit beside her...

"Hey Charlotte..First day huh?" She says as she smiles at me..

"Yep..*sights* Okay..Let just get this day over with *giggles*"

Everybody sits down...Then the door opens and there is Mr. Brown..our principal...

"Goodmorning everybody!...I hope you had a good summer vacation..Today there will be a new student in this class..I want you all to make him feel welcome..." Mr. Brown says as he let's in the new boy..


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