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Chaeyoung instantly knew who it was when she heard such a fake voice.

She turned around, and as she expected, Dari and Luna were seated nearby on Hanbin’s left.

Luna looked over as she noticed Chaeyoung’s gaze. She saw Chaeyoung and Chitthip together, and her expression changed as her eyes turned cold. Subconsciously, she turned towards Dari beside her.

Of course, when Dari saw the fresh-looking Chitthip, her expression turned into a dark storm while her gaze became freezing cold.

Chitthip just glanced at her ever so calmly like how one would look at a silly clown. Dari was a flicker of existence to her. The fire of rage inside her started burning furiously.

She also heard from someone that Marco had just gone to her university. He must have gone to meet this old hag! Look at that face of hers! How Dari wished she could go up and destroy that face!

“Mother, don’t get worked up. Look at where we are right now!”

Luna threw in a reminder when she noticed her mother about to explode. Obviously, she was displeased about it.

Dari had been very easily triggered recently. After she threw the ashtray at Marco some time ago, Marco had not said a thing to her ever since. Even his greetings to Luna were as frigid as ice.

If Dari could be calmer like Chitthip, Luna believed she would not need to suffer as much right now.

The relationship between the Kim family and their family was strained at the moment, yet Marco did not do anything and just let them be. Even Oscar said nothing about it. As he said after letting Lisa sign the paper, he would not intervene between them anymore.

If Marco was willing to do something, the Kim family would not have acted this way. Hani and Jeongjae did not even give their daughter-in-law a call and barely seemed concerned at all. Upset about it, there were several instances when Dari almost wanted to go over to the Kim Residence, but Luna stopped her every time.

Dari took several deep breaths after Luna’s reminder and suppressed her own emotions. Chitthip did not seem to be bothered. It was as if she did not see her.

“Sit down, Mother!” Luna dragged Dari to her seat right behind Hanbin.

“Aunty, be careful if they come to you for trouble. Dari’s eyes don’t seem right. She looks mad." Chaeyoung said quietly.

Chitthip smiled. “Don’t worry. She can’t do anything.”

“Dari really gave Lili a lot of trouble. She tried to put a kind stepmother act on, and now, that she’s dropped her mask… Ugh, what a wicked person!”

Chaeyoung glanced at Dari with a mocking gaze. Dari was almost reaching her boiling point!

However, she could not lash out. The music in the venue suddenly changed as the lights faded. A faint, gentle light centered onto the stage and the sound of a soothing violin started playing.

The opening act had begun.

The crowd went quiet as stylish models gradually went up on stage. The hall gave a big round of applause!

“Mother, don’t be rash.”

“Look at how arrogant she is. She’s taking me lightly! Who does she think she is?” Dari lowered her voice as she hissed angrily.

Dari was obviously jealous of her rival, but Chitthip totally ignored her and she was on her own.

Luna sighed, “Mother, why are you always like this when you’re up against Aunt? She did this on purpose to provoke you. Don’t fall into her trap.”

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