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Chaeyoung shrugged and glanced at her with a smile. "I mean it. You're always too serious. Let go of some burden in you and you'll be free. After being with Jimin for so many years, the one thing I'm still worried about is you, Lisa. You always keep a lot to yourself and we're both worried about you. Luckily, you met a man like Master Jeon and we're really relieved about that. Just let him worry about those things... Why else would you need a man for?"

Lisa felt warm inside as Chaeyoung's words reached her ears. She looked down at the glass in her hands, a gentle light appearing in her eyes.

She was not really expecting much. The fact that he could trust her and protect her unconditionally, and even settled the matter for her despite her ugly past being thrust right in his face was really touching. Of course, there was Chaeyoung and Jimin as well…

Suddenly, she felt that luck was still on her side. If all the suffering she experienced before was for the sake of the happiness she was feeling right now, she would still believe that the world was a beautiful place.

If love could happen between him and her, she would believe it and accept it…

However, could he really give it to her?

A crack appeared on the surface of her locked up heart. It seemed like from this moment onward, she started to look forward again.

Still, at the same time, she was worried. What should she do if she could not stay with him till the end?


At the Bruschweiler Residence at West Park.

Luna opened the envelope and took the items inside out.

There were several photos of Hanbin and Luna by the bank of the South River, and they seemed intimate!

Her expression darkened and her eyebrows frowned. She quickly went through the stack of photos, her body started trembling.


Tssssk —

A coldness enveloped her face, and she ripped the photos apart crazily before throwing them onto the ground angrily to stomp on them!

Suddenly, the door opened and came inside. She was shocked to see Luna's maniacal behavior and cold expression!

"Luna, what's wrong?"

Dari looked at Luna with complicated eyes. She felt that her daughter had totally transformed into another person, especially after her scandal. She also felt odd about the documents Lisa had sent them.

She felt that she had never really understood her own daughter well.

She looked at the photos on the ground, some of which were torn into pieces. Dari was stunned for a moment before picking one of them up. Her expression changed when she saw what was on them!

"Luna, what's happening?" Dari looked at Luna with her eyes wide.

Luna clenched her fists while her expression was horrible. She suddenly covered her face as she broke down and cried, "Mother, what should I do? Hanbin doesn't want me anymore... He doesn't want me anymore... He's going back to Sister... I did all of it just to get him, but he blames me…"

"Mother, I know I'm wrong... I just love him too much. All these years, I felt guilty about what I did to Sister, and I tried to make it up to her. In the end, they still treat me this way…"

Luna was crying as she broke down.

Darinfelt pained looking Luna. She was reminded of her past self when she saw the happily married Marco and Chitthip. Luna was still her daughter after all. She was not wrong to fight for her own happiness since everyone had that right, did they not?

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