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Lisa did not say a thing. She just looked at what happened before her as she felt an iciness inside her. She could not help but look away.

She did not feel the need to explain herself, so she turned around and walked right between the two of them. She wanted to leave and act as if she had not seen anything.

As she passed by them, Luna held onto her shoulder desperately. Tears were streaked all over her face while she begged, "I know you hate me. I'm really sorry... but next week is Grandfather's birthday. He's really concerned about you. Father, Mother, and Grandmother too... They are really worried since you've never gone back..."

"Let go!"

Before Luna could finish her sentence, Lisa's icy cold aura spread throughout the area.


"What did you do to me that could make me hate you so? Luna, my mothe only gave birth to me, Lalisa Manoban, so —"

Lisa shook her off and her eyes stared at Luna was as if she was just looking at a stranger. Her voice sounded cold and strange. "I don't have any siblings. Please stop putting up an act in front of me. You might not be tired, but I am, so that's enough."

Lisa's sudden gesture almost made Luna fall again, but Hanbin went up swiftly to hold her.

"Lisa, the person who let you down was me. There's no need for you to target Luna like this. If it makes you feel better, I'm willing to compensate you."

Hanbin was hostile as he hugged the tearfully weeping Luna into his arms and stared coldly at Lisa.

Lisa looked up slightly. As she watched Hanbin's familiar yet strange handsome face, there was an instance when she felt a slight sorrow and a bunch of repressed emotions, especially when she saw the indifference and disappointment in his eyes.

She laughed bitterly to herself, yet that unyielding spirit and pride inside of her did not allow her to show any sign of weakness or pettiness, so she firmly met with his eyes and said calmly with not a single of warmth in her tone, "Compensate? How do you plan to compensate? Apologize to me, beg for my forgiveness, and sincerely wish that you two live a long and happy life together?"

A faint sneer flashed across Lisa's bright and exquisite face. "Or like what you did back then — toss me a huge cheque?"

When she said this, Hanbin's expression suddenly changed and he did not know what to say.

"Sis, Hanbin was just hoping that you'd live better... We..."

Seeing Hanbin rendered speechless, Luna could only sniff and wriggle out of his embrace. She wanted to grab Lisa's arm again, but her sister did not appreciate the kindness and smacked her hand away.

Luna could not help but cry out with restraint again. Hanbin was about walk up when a figure in burgundy had beat him to it and held Luna steady. At the same time, her hand pushed her hard.


Lisa only felt her waist being shoved with force. Caught off-guard, she fell hard against the sink behind her. All she felt was a slight chill before her arm was suddenly electrified with pain too...

"Lisa, even if you're resentful towards Luna for whatever reason, you can just come to me. Why do you have to hurt her like this? Can't you see that her leg's already hurt? You're beyond cruel!"

Dari worried and disappointed voice came through as she protected Luna in her arms. Her gaze towards Lisa plainly showed anguish. "I know that you've resented me for replacing your mother, but ask yourself if all these years, have I, Yoo Dari, ever treated you unfairly?"

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