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It was a splendid afternoon. The warm sun scattered its dazzling golden rays throughout the blue sky. Bathing in the soft light, Glory World Corporation appeared even more extraordinary in grandeur.

Inside the simple and elegant office, the Planning Director, Lisa, was sitting before her desk and reading the documents that the Commerce Department had sent over. At that moment, there was suddenly a light knocking on the door.

She frowned slightly, yet she did not look up and just answered, "Come in!"

Her assistant, Yeri, then walked lightly over and bowed to say, "Director Manoban, Manager Fang from the Public Relations Department just called to say that the Imperial Sky Hotel preparations are almost done. They asked if you'd like to go over and take a look."

"Mmm, tell them that I'll be there right away."

Lisa closed the document in her hand and got up to put the things on her desk into the folder. Then, she turned around to put on the windbreaker on the clothes rack. On the side, Yeri had quickly walked up to take her briefcase too. The two of them then took huge strides out of the door.

When walking through the company's long corridor and waiting for the elevator, Yeri suddenly carefully said to Lisa, "Director Manoban, I heard that Director Lee has gone over too. Her performance this year seemed pretty outstanding. I wonder if she'd be as lucky as last year and get the race car again."

The Director Lee she was talking about was Lee Jina, Lisa's rival. The fact that someone of Lisa's age could climb up to this position caused many people to be unconvinced and Lee Jina was one of the skeptics. The previous Chairman had even taken some of her previous projects to appoint Lisa in-charge. Naturally, having her projects snatched away by Lisa, she disliked her.

"Didn't the company get her to make arrangements for the anniversary with the Public Relations Department?" Lisa indifferently looked at the moving numbers displayed at the elevator while she put one of her hands in her windbreaker pocket as she asked casually.

Yeri nodded and carefully looked at Lisa who did not show any emotions on her face. Softly, she informed her, "Director, earlier, Manager Fang called to ask you to go over. It seemed like because they are in disagreement with Director Lee, they probably want you to go over earlier and get your opinion. In the past, Public Relations has been going along with your insights. This year, if it were not for the new Chairman Jeon taking office, Director Choi wouldn't have let Director Lee help out."

"Does that mean that Public Relations is planning to do a welcoming party for Chairman Jeon at the same time?" Lisa was a little surprised as she raised her brows.

"Yes, Director. In fact, I heard that Public Relations has invited quite a few celebrities to join the banquet. They're all artistes signed on with Glory World such as that very popular new perfect female idol, the ambassador of public goodwill, Luna. She even has the same surname as you, Director! It seems like Public Relations has invited her!"

Once Yeri said this, Lisa instantly frowned. In shock, she turned to Yeri. "What did you say? Luna? Does she have any collaboration with Glory World?"

Yeri smiled and nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation. "Yes! She and Glory World have agreed for her to be Imperial Sky Jewellery City's spokesperson. She looks great and we're all very excited about it. When the Public Relations Department went looking for her, we knew that she would definitely agree. Based on Glory World's capabilities, so many artistes want to collaborate with us. Right, Director, I heard that Luna will be expanding in the country..."

While her ears kept hearing Yeri ramble on about matters related to Luna, just like when she heard about her and Hanbin's engagement, Lisa's twinkling eyes flashed with a coldness.

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