Chapter 76 Wedding Night

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Third person Pov:

Seeing the newlywed couple going to honeymoon suite all their friends face showing evil smile.

.... ..... Alex and ana going towards their suite in elevator, in meanwhile the couple having a passionate kiss. 'Ding' elevator door open and couple didn't part their lips and move towards their suite.

Ana hangs on him with her legs around his waist, alex walks towards the suite , open the door and enter their suite with desire but everything shatter when alex slipped.

'slip' 'ah' 'ah' the floor has an oil which cause alex to slip on his back hit the floor and his back aching, ana who was hang on alex was not injured but shocked.

Alex shouts " What the hell?" Ana helps him to stand up, leaning on ana he walks towards the sofa in living room. "I will search for first aid kit." Ana went to search for it.

Whole room was decorated with balloons and having a romantic but that was spoiled by their friend's revenge. " What the f*** did they need? Why are they doing this to us? they are separating us from few days , they are not satisfied with that. Now we are married why they are spoiling my wedding night by all these" Alex cursed them until there is no words.

Ana entered holding pain killers and spray, after having painkillers ana spray the medicine on alex back. When the medicine hit the skin alex shouts in pain " What the **** ?"

Ana tensed and ask with a worry face "The pain was killing what is it?" Ana checks it and find out when alex says it was not medicine it was some chemical which increase the pain.

Ana help alex to have a shower to ease the pain, alex was in a bad mood to be spoiled by their romantic wedding night. Seeing the decorations, bed, fragrance and candle. His body was on fire but ana was not agreeing to it.

" Alex, leave it, we have many days in future now take rest" and went to fresh up Ana suggests and going to take shower, on walking she hears alex says " I am going to make them pay double for it" She can feel the danger in his deep voice.

She felt bad for alex who was in pain and ask alex " What did you do to them to take revenge on you in this range?" Ana shook her head and says " just endure it. For today." Seeing ana leaving in her wedding dress, hearing water sound he can imagine how his junior was suffering, it is more than physical pain, all his dreams tonight were lost. Last alex hold ana and slept, not before cursing his friends ........................

Hi what will alex do to them? Did he waste his wedding night just for his friend's silly tricks ?first reply here and read next? It will be interesting ????






Their friends came to senses from the dream when they hear sounds form outside. They neglect it and discuss how they plan to spoil alex wedding night.

All the guests went to see what was the sound , there was a helicopter landing on the top where party was held. All were shocked why a helicopter land here, after two minutes helicopter take off, but this time there were two more people extra. It was not dark , there was a light to recognize to whom it belongs to.

AK those are the letters spoken by audience, everyone checks whether couple was present or not, to only find the couple had left in middle.

They understand the newly married couple were in the helicopter and it was arranged by alex privately even without noticing by his friends.

In Helicopter. Ana sees down to watch all the guests raise their head to watch them, she felt she was escaping from her own reception.

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