Chapter 15 Asking her to date

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Chapter 15

Third person pov:

After the lift incident Alex tries to learn but she skips that topic, so he left the topic.
Alex parent anniversary is celebrated in the top most restaurant in the New York on this weekend. Only one day is left that means day after tomorrow is their anniversary. Today, he is busy in maintaining all the preparations. He did not get time to check preparations because he is on business trip from last two weeks. He decides to complete the work as soon as possible so that he can free at the function time.

At the same time ana is working on other designs. All staff working on other projects. She did not get time to show designs to Alex that are recently designed. She learns that Alex went to Europe on some project.

In the evening, Mrs. Charles informs that Alex is here. Ana is thinking to show the designs today or tomorrow. Others are not here; she has to go alone now. Tomorrow he may be busy in preparations. She thought of what fin said.

Fin told ana about her parents' anniversary and invited her to the function. She told that all the preparations and work are selected by them only. Every year fin and Alex take care about all the things. Alex and Fin love to their parents a lot. Their parents are lucky to have them.

Ana told her "she will try to attend the anniversary if possible". Fin and Jen are forcing her to attend and also searching for a man to escort her on the party. Ana told them that she will attend the party single or she will not. So, they drop the topic of searching a boyfriend to her.

"Tomorrow Alex is busy with preparations so it is better to show him today itself" she thought and left the cabin. When she comes out observe a blonde girl wearing a dress that covers barely simply looks like b****. Ana thinking that she saw her before . She saw her last time in this office. She behaves so rudely with others are slave to her.

Flash back...

When ana talking with Mrs. Charles one blonde came near them. "Is Alex inside ?" Blonde lady asked rudely checking her make up. She looks completely like b****. "Yes mam, I will inform him and.." that lady cut off before Charles complete her statement and left to Alex cabin.

" Who is she Charles? " Ana questioned
" Her name is Kate Lacson.she is daughter of Mr. Henry Lacson and friend of Mr. Alexander Black King ." Charles explained.

" Why she is behaving rudely ? she should speak politely with you. Alex never behave with you in that manner. " Ana asked .

"She always behaves rudely. Mr. King said to ask permission but she never wait to inform him." Charles explained .

Charles left; Ana turn around to leave someone bumped to her. She is Kate. Ana wanted leave because she doesn't waste her time.

"Your stupid b****. How dare you? Where you kept yours eyes. You can't see I am coming " Kate shouts on ana furiously.

Ana want to leave but hearing her tone she replied " Excuse me. You bumped to me without seeing and yelling at me. You must say sorry but raising your voice on me." "First Keep your tone in low this is not your place to shout and don't ever raise your voice on me ." Ana said seriously to Kate. The employees who saw the scene were shocked by seeing ana behaviour.

" Who think you are b***h. First do you know who I am? I am Alex girlfriend. You are an employee in this company. Who are you to judge me? If I want, I can fire you from this company and make you beg on streets. Do you understand that b***h. " Kate said rudely.

" First thing I don't care who you are? You misbehaved with me. I don't allow anyone to order me and use those bad words on me. You don't like it if I say same to you" Ana said.
Kate was furious and about to slap Ana but Ana caught her hand and rotate and said" Say sorry to me or I will not let you leave"

" You stupid leave me. Or you lose your job . I will tell Alex to fire you..." But Ana caught her tight and said " I don't care about firing me, tell sorry and leave or you don't like the consequences" , Kate cannot do anything . Kate knows that Alex never support her. Kate said " sorry " and before she leaves Kate shouting moving towards to lift and said " I will not leave you b***h. I will make you pay for it. Remember it" with that she left from there.

End of flash back....

Ana thought " why she always dresses up like some S***." . Kate went to Alex cabin without knocking. Alex is doing his work that he did not observe that Kate enter . She went towards his chair and put her hand on his shoulder.

Alex raise his head and saw Kate standing near him. He asked irritated doing his work " Kate how many times I have to tell you to knock the door when you enter?"
Kate turn his chair and sat on his lap showing her c*****e. Alex did not react and feels disgust and throws her away, she falls on the floor.

Kate furiously gets up and shouts " why you always behave like that Alex? Our parents want to marry us. We can be great couple, give me a chance to prove it Alex. If you don't give me chance how can we." Alex did not react to her but continue his work.

Seeing this Kate anger increases but she controls herself and said " I want to ask you to come as my boyfriend to your parent's anniversary" Alex cut her said " I have already selected my girlfriend for that. You can choose others. No one can say " no" to you . RIGHT..."

" who is she Alex? " Kate asked ." You don't know her Kate. You can see her tomorrow at party" Alex replied but Kate asking expecting him to ask her . " You are telling lies Alex I know you did not".

" Why should I play games with you? " Alex replied and raise his head and smirk at her " I should continue my work Kate. please leave. "Kate felt insulted and left from there.

After 10 minutes Alex hear door knock and said "come in". By her smell he recognized who enter. He didn't raise his head to first start her.
"Mr. King I am here to show you designs . If you check them and say your opinion and changes. I will modify them." Ana forward the designs. Alex raise his head and surprised to saw ana alone . He checks the designs and agree to them.

Ana can feel his gaze at her but she maintains herself and wants to leave. Alex stand up from his chair hold the file and walk towards her. she wants to move but can't like she was glued to her place. When the distance between them decrease ana want to leave from here.

Ana feels "why can't I take my decisions in Alex presence" . Alex stand before her standing with smirk on his lips knowing her condition. Ana don't want to be fool so raised her head and asked " Mr. King. Any changes to do in designs?" But it come out like whisper.

"There is any one in the room Ana ?" Alex questioned moving close to her. She takes one step back and said " No Mr.."

" I said before if we are alone you can call me with my name Ana " Alex replied moving one step towards her and stopped .

"It's not professional Mr. King. We are in company..." Ana was interrupt by Alex reply "I don't care where we are, when we are alone you can call me by my name . Do you understand that Ana."

" If there is no problem in designs, I want to leave ." Ana replied and try to go.

" I want you to be my girlfriend for my parent's anniversary" Alex asked Ana.

Ana was shocked and her mouth was wide open " what!!!". She did not understand what Alex said . She takes some time to understand what he means by it and questioned " why are you asking me . You can ask your previous girlfriend. "

" I don't have any girlfriends. They are only fl*** . " Alex said simply.

"How can he think like that of others" she thought and asked " Then who is she , left before. is. Kate you can take her as your girlfriend "

" No... she is only daughter of my fathers' friend .Not more than that..." " I want you to be my girlfriend for tomorrow" Alex explained Ana.

" I will never be your girlfriend. I am working with you . It's not good to come . So, I can't accept it. I will leave now "ana told and move from there.

Before that Alex trapped her between him and wall. Ana was stunned by his act. "why can't you accept my proposal." Alex asked." I will not" Ana said and about to push him. Alex caught her hands and moved close towards her. There is no place between them and ana see any where but not his face.
AC was on but room temperature is hot, Alex and ana can feel it. Ana is biting her lips in tension. It is her mannerism when she is in tension. Alex saw her biting lips and said sexily " that is my task to bite them dear . If you don't stop it, I will kiss them until they swell" Ana stop biting her lips and seeing in his eyes. Their eyes are lock. Alex moved closer to her, Ana was stand like statue don't know what to do.

" You owe me one favour " ana did not understand "you insult me once at our first meeting " Ana remembered and asked " so .. what... "

"if you escort me for tomorrow function , then I forgive for your previous behaviour." Alex explained.
"No, I will not. I will never accept to it. " ana said .

Alex moved close his lips touches tip of her ears. Her ears turn to dark red . He asked " why? are you afraid of falling for me?"

By hearing those from Alex , her body shivers " what he is talking? Why he always thinks high about himself ?" Ana thought and replied " No ... I will don't fall for you" ana said sluttering.

" Then why are you afraid? . I thought you are a stubborn girl. You are also simi...." Ana stopped Alex and said " ok. I will. This is first and last. Do you understand" and continued " I am coming with you for showing that I am strong and never fall for you , not for your charm."

" Good . I will send dress to you by tomorrow morning. Be ready by evening 6:00 . I will pick you up." With that Alex moves from there.

Ana takes a long breathe ,her heart beat is fast. Ana thought " why I am always being weak Infront of him " thinking of that Ana left from there to her cabin. 


I am Really sorry. I am having exams in the last month suddenly. So i cant post the chapters. 

I will try to  update more chapters in future.

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thank you for your previous comments. And sorry to make you wait for these many days. 

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