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Wang Yushan and her twin sister do not look alike.

  When she was a child, she looked like her father and her younger sister looked like her uncle, but she looked like her uncle and her father and uncle. Concentrating all the advantages of my uncle, it looks better and better.

  Sometimes she would complain to her mother in distress, and her mother would smile and say that she was also good-looking and comforted her.

  Wang Yushan knows that she looks good, but her younger sister looks better than her.

  But this looks is natural.

  no way.

  Both of their sisters have good brains and learn things easily.

  So my mother enrolled them in a lot of interest classes so that they could not run around outside.

  This is a sequelae of her kidnapping.

  When they were in elementary school, they didn't know how others knew that they had money at home and wanted to kidnap her and her sister. They were picked up and picked up by someone to go to school. They were monitored by security guards at the school, but they sneaked out to buy the gym class. To eat, Wang Yushan was tied up, and her sister fled.

  She was blindfolded and taken to an abandoned building.

  For the kidnappers, this was a successful kidnapping action, but it was not a successful action, because even if they got the money, they were also caught later. The money was returned as it was before it was spent.

  This incident did not have a big impact on Wang Yushan, and she felt that she was fine, but her family was terrified.

  Dad and uncle specially asked for leave to come back to see her, and grandparents, grandparents and grandparents all cared for them.

  But she didn't have any injuries at all.

  She knows that those people will not hurt herself. If you add to the rip-off ticket, even if they get the money, they will die for the world. She never saw their faces from the beginning to the end. As long as they don't irritate them, the kidnappers don't need to risk this. Risky, after all, they had no hatred or grievances before.

  Apart from everyone's special concern for their sisters, the sequelae were that there were two more people around and the locator, and they were sent to practice by their father and uncle.

  All of a sudden, the days became very hot.

  Before, my mother was free for them, and she didn't want to learn martial arts, but now she can't.

  For their personal safety, they must learn.

  Fortunately, except for that one time, their lives after that were quiet.

  The parents' control over them also slowly relaxed.

  in a blink.

  Wang Yushan and their college entrance examinations are over.

  The high-pressure senior year life is completely over.

  As soon as Wang Yushan and Wang Yuyan went back, they immediately got on, and the phone and computer jumped out (crossed out) to arrange!

 The two sisters are called Flurry of Demons.

  Lin Yining didn't restrain them either.

  They play as they please, as long as they don't go beyond the standard.

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