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The Yu family's popularity in the village is still good, one after another, someone came over to congratulate them with some gifts.

  Some will go into the kitchen to see if there is anything that can help.

  Hearing that Yu Xiangan's age was gently taking care of the spoon, a series of compliments suddenly appeared, "Oh, it's so fragrant. Before I came in, I thought you had hired a chef to help. It was actually your granddaughter. Have to say."

  "As long as nothing else, this scent is really overbearing, and I want to eat a piece secretly when I smell it."

  "How old is this girl this year? Has anyone been allowed?"

  In fact, the person who asked did not think about marrying their son. The status did not match. They knew that they had a formal position. People in the city would not marry a young man in the village. Unless they have major shortcomings.

  Xu Xiaojuan was by the side to recognize people, and when she reached the back, Yu Xiangan had already given up, and Xu Xiaojuan should have been too, with a stiff smile on her face, and she greeted Yang Huili mechanically.

  Finally, the meal was served. Braised pork, steamed fish, Shiquan dumplings, stuffed tofu, fried pork with shanzhen, steamed cloud meat, stewed pumpkin with minced pork, and finally a fish soup with tofu, eight dishes at one end. Come up, the portion is full, most of these dishes are made by Yu Xiangan.

  Seeing these dishes, the Xu family's complexion became even better.

  Their daughters come to this house, and the rest of the day will not be missed.

  As soon as the dishes were served, the extra greetings disappeared as soon as they were eaten in the mouth.

  Including the bride and groom.

  No one cares about talking, it's like an invisible game, each of them stretches out their chopsticks at their fastest speed.

  Yu Xiangan noticed the two uncles of Yu Manchang who were sitting a distance apart. They were not tall, but very sturdy. Even if the muscles of that body were hidden by clothes, they could still be faintly visible.

  There are many brothers in Yang Huili's maiden family. At the beginning, Zhang Chahua liked her because she first fancyed her many natal brothers, and then she looked at people, and said that she wanted this daughter-in-law.

  Her family is in a remote mountain, and the mountain road is not easy to walk. From her village to here can only rely on two legs, and it takes a long time to walk.

  They are remote, poor, and correspondingly. Many of their people depend on mountains for food. They have mountains and many rocks, which is equivalent to living a life of half a farmer and half a hunter.

  They brought meat and Shanzhen. Yu Xiangan wanted it very much when he was cooking. This body was still developing. When there was no Xixi Farm before, he would wake up every day to get up and touch a sweet potato to eat. After filling her belly, having a farm, and after verifying that the things in Xixi Farm are harmless to people, she had more supper in the evening. After waiting, she went to the city and exchanged some of the apples for supplies, but she still couldn't say it was really rich. .

  Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to expand.

  Their family is going to rest here for one night today, and then go back in the early morning. After dinner, find the auntie and let her help in the middle of the line. The original owner and these two people really have nothing to do with each other. In the memory of the original owner, this is her third time. See, what kind of friendship can there be.

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