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  When Yu Xiangan got a new bed, he insisted on two, two rooms and two beds, enough for a family of four.

  Now Yu Xiangju lives with his parents. It is estimated that he will not be allowed to live alone until he goes to school.

  Although there were enough rooms in the original house, it was a mud-brick house.

  Yu Qingshan did not agree to stay here for a long time, because he spent a long time in the factory and he was reluctant. That was where he worked hard.

  But at first, he agreed to live for a short period of time. He had to help his daughter to gain a foothold here. He didn't know anything about the surrounding situation, and let his daughter of the right age live alone, so how much he felt.

  Yu Xiangju looked at the newly furnished house and kept going around happily.

  Such a beautiful, clean and tidy new house, awesome, he can live in the new house, he can live in the new house!

  Looking at the final results, Yu Xiangan was also very satisfied, and finally had his own place.

  The house is furnished, but I can't move in right away, and I have to choose a date.

  Although these feudal superstitions are not allowed now, basically everyone will secretly invite people to take a look, pick a good day and then move in, and there will be a good day nearby. By coincidence, everyone who gets the house ready first Picked this day to move into a new house.

  When they met each other and talked about it, there was a tacit understanding between each other's eyes.

  Incoming meals are indispensable. According to the old saying, the more popular this day, the better.

  In this way, the days of staying in the new house in the future can also be prosperous.

  The relatives of their family in the county seat are the Qin family, and other friends are not invited, but the grandparents from their hometown are going to invite them.

  They asked someone to bring a message, and when they turned back, Yu Qingbao and Yang Huili brought Yu Changyou and Zhang Chahua over.

  Originally, they didn't bring two children, but Yu Manwu and Yu Mansheng said they would come together with them. For this reason, they deliberately bought a red hair rope as a gift with the little pocket money they had saved.

  Counting Yu Manchang and Xu Xiaojuan, there are 8 people, plus my own family, and grandmother's house, this day the house is crowded.

  The house nowadays is different from the empty one that was just allocated. It is decorated very warmly.

  As soon as I entered, there was a chairperson's head on the wall on the side, and there were several chairperson's books next to it.

  Below is a round table. This table is relatively large. Taking into account the large population of the family, it can seat 8 people, or squeeze 10 people.

  Below the table are a few benches. If you look closely, you can see that these stools are all repaired, but you can't find out if you don't care about it. The table is also old, and it is the same stool.

  It looks 80% new after patching and coloring.

  This is the living room and the dining room at the same time, and there are two rooms behind it.

  The two rooms are the same size, and now there are beds and a cabinet in them, and the other furniture is not yet available.

The beds here are all moved from the original home.

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