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After Yu Xiangyan was transferred back here, he was planning to build a new house in the Red Star brigade. The conditions are very convenient. After his worker status is confirmed, he can apply for his homestead. His brigade has the production of red bricks, and he has no work points. , But you can buy it with money.

  Although there is a queue, there are not many people in front of him. Compared to selling to outsiders, he has priority in his own village. As for the manpower for building houses, there is no need to worry about the surname Yu in the Red Star production team, so there is no need to worry about insufficient manpower.

  His grandparents were very excited about this. When he said that he wanted to build a house, he said that they were ready to have wood and the like, so he didn't have to worry about it.

  Yu Chang has only two sons. The youngest son has a good future and is working as a worker in the county. Generally speaking, he has taken root there, so he will not build a house in his hometown, but it is not a coincidence that his second grandson is coming here. Is it right? If he is a worker here, it would be logical to build a house here, and another descendant can be seen under his nose from time to time.

  He is naturally happy. After all, Yu Manchang took the lead in burning the bricks, and no one lacks bricks in their turn. So his house was successfully built. It was a one-story bungalow with a large area and many rooms.

  This is not too much to live in. Now he and Wen Ruzhen have a daughter, and now Wen Ruzhen is pregnant for two months, and the child is about to be born in eight months. The child's room must be prepared, and Wen Ruzhen must be prepared. Yizhen also needs to have his own separate room. If Dad and the others come back here, if he has a room here, there won't be so many people going to the grandfather and uncle to squeeze.

  So this time he built six rooms in one go, and four rooms were occupied.

  Fortunately, it was cheaper to buy bricks as a villager, but this also almost wiped out his savings.

  He now pays half of his monthly salary to Yu Xiang'an. In addition, they live here. They have no work points. They can only exchange money for food and various things with other people. The combined expenses are not small.

  Yu Qingshan and Yu Xianghai, the two of them, passed by the evening early, and they wanted to help.

  Yu Xiangan, the two of them, and Zhao Qiaoniang and Ye Qijia took their two older children and two small children a little more slowly.

  There are four adults and four children, each with one, so there is no need to worry about it in a crowded place in the car.

  A while ago, I heard that a kidnapper came from a commune nearby, and a total of several children were kidnapped. After that, they became tighter watching the children. Pay more attention to unfamiliar places.

  Zhao Qiaoniang took Yu Xiangju's hand and looked out the window in a daze in the car. It was a good day. She looked at the blurry image on the glass window and curled her mouth, feeling a little worried.

  Over the past two years, everyone has come here in peace. She didn't talk about Ding Minxiu at home. They knew that she would secretly subsidize her with her own salary when interacting with her, and they would never stop it, maintaining a delicate balance.

  Occasionally, she would have an urge to break this balance, hoping that they could be together in peace, and she wanted her to bring her son-in-law and grandson to talk to her generously. Especially when Yu Xiangan's life is getting better and better.

  It was her daughter who made a mistake at the beginning, but now because of her mistakes, her life is better. If it weren't for that thing, she would not find such a good person now. As a result, She's still benefiting. It's almost the same. Shouldn't her tone be flat?

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