cheater weiss x natsu male reader x RBYCVNPEH

Start from the beginning

You are walking with some of your friends that you yawn a bit as some of them look at you .

Ruby: you ok y/n?

Y/n: yea just a bit out of touch and had a lot of things in my mind .

Blake:like what?

Y/n:just been thinking about weiss i mean she is been a bit odd for some reason .

Yang: mm i might have to agreed on that for some reason i mean r/bf/n (ruby boyfriend name  ) a bit friendly with weiss queen for some reason .

Coco: mmmm i don't know ..

Velvet: could it be something weird i mean even v/b/f/n (velvet boyfriend name) is acting weird to me too .

Y/n;mmmm well hmmm i don't know but probably i should go check her out .

Ruby:mmm yea that's a good idea.

You smile pat ruby head that you smile .

Y/n: maybe so i am gonna go ask her out .

Blake; mmm well i could go ask sun if he wants to hang out

Yang: maybe we should ask our boyfriends out .

Ruby: yea.

You smile and wave at them as you went to look for her as you hum a bit .

Y/n:mmm how am i going to ask i mean its a surprise but surely she don't mind if i surprise right mmm .

You thinking and talk to yourself as not knowing that you bump onto someone that you look as to see pyrrha and nora .

Y/n: oh my i am sorry girls i did'nt see you all .

Pyrrha: you ok y/n?

Y/n: yeah i been thinking a bit i was distracted .

Nora: hmmm distraction is no go.

Y/n: i know nora i know look i won't do it again ok .

Nora: hmm fine .

Y/n: so where you girls going ?

Pyrrha: well we going to see harriet and elm

Y/n: i thought you girls hang out with jaune and ren ?

Nora: ren said he is busy even though i am a bit angry i mean i am his girlfriend

Y/n: hmmm i see .

Pyrrha: mhm what about you y/n .

Y/n: i was just going to ask weiss do you know where she is?

Pyrrha: oh weiss is in her dorm

Y/n: ohh i see

Nora : yes it is

Y/n;alright thanks girls.

Pyrrha: no problem

Nora: mhm!

You smile and walk to other direction as you are still thinking of what you going to say .

Y/n: mmm i wonder weiss still think about us .

You said to yourself while walking to their dorm that you slowly open the door  as you see weiss that she is laying on the bed naked with some guys that you recognize to be the girls boyfriends that make you felt  upset and mad about this that your hands start to glow up with fire that you want to comfront them but you stay calm .

Y/n: grr...i have to tell this to the girls ..

You said while you grab your scroll while started to record them as you felt your heart is broken that you feel angry at the same time as seeing them make out with her and make love that make you feel betrayed and cheated off.

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