⭐️ My Muse || Chapter 127

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"We are we going to get a day's travel done in a few hours?" I panted my frustrated words in between breaths, the two of us running as fast as we could to the demon capitol. The hard thudding of a horse's hooves approached us. "Shit!" I hissed under my breath, skidding to a stop. Could they be poachers? Demons? A girl's voice rung out from that direction. "y/n! Ray!" "Em- Emma!" I shouted, running towards her voice. Our group! They were riding atop horses, Zack holding out his hand. "What- What're you guys doing here?" I asked, as he hauled me into his chest. "Figured you two needed a ride." He enveloped my hands in his, both of us clutching the reigns tightly. Ray had hitched onto Yuugo, the two of them glaring at each other coldly. "Let- Let me drive." Ray hissed, trying to get in front of him. Yuugo snatched the reigns back, giving him a sassy 'no'. I sighed deeply, the two of them stopping their feud. "Sorry, y/n." They chuckled sheepishly. I smiled, glancing at Zack. "Let's go to the Imperial Capitol!" 

Gillian had come well prepared, with demon outfits and masks so the two of would blend into the city easily. We traversed the forest quickly, following a thin path by the side of a cliff. "Zack wait! Who are those people!" He grunted, skidding the horse to a stop. We peered over the abyss, noticing a long parade of demon soldiers walking towards the way we left. "Reinforcements? To the capitol?" Oliver muttered, scratching his chin. Emma shook her head no. "They're going the wrong way. They're looking for..." She gasped. "Our hideout." "But no one's left to defend it!" Nigel hissed, clenching his fists. I glanced at Ray, who nodded at me, understanding. We jumped off our horses, taking Gillian's outfits. "You guys have to go, defend the base!" I smiled at Zack and Yuugo, who wanted to protest our trek alone. "We'll be fine." I said, waving at them. "Go save everyone else!" They returned the sad smile, turning their horses around. "Good luck, y/n, Ray!" 

When we arrived, a hole was already blown into the first wall of the capitol. Though some demons were panicked, others didn't really seem to mind, or haven't noticed yet. Ray held my hand, the two of us shuffling through the crowded streets. Lines of horses and demon cattle trotted through the square, yet a familiar, slender silver one seemed to be looking me bizarrely. "Ray!" I shouted, squeezing his hand. "That horse!" I heard the muffled click of his tongue, the two of us shoving aside people, rushing to the horse and it's holder. I tugged the back of Sonju's cloak, noticing the five smaller people by his side. "Mujika! Sonju! Gilda..? Don? Hayato and..." "Ayshe." She finished my sentence. "We've met before." Mujika's face brightened, her lavender braids bouncing as she hugged me tightly. "Thank you, y/n! Gilda and Don... They told me everything, I'm so grateful that you'd sacrifice so much to save us!" Sonju grinned, patting my head gently. "Of course she would, Mujika. She's our family." The tall demon kneeled, meeting Ray and I's gaze. "Listen carefully, you two. Your friend, Norman, is in the palace, killing the Royals as we speak. You cannot let that happen. Without nobility, there can be no compromise." I nodded, understanding. Gilda opened my hand, placing a little walkie- talkie like device inside my palm. "We can't go up there, y/n. We have to stay and save the demons that are going to be affected. But we have our own." Mujika grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly. "So if you need us, just press the button and call for help. Sonju and I will come immediately." Don gave me a quick hug, bidding me good luck. This twisted Neverland will end very soon. Ray and I headed straight for the Imperial castle, nestled right in the center of the city. "Never thought we'd be dispatched to save a demon," He laughed, reaching for my hand. I giggled, intertwining our fingers. Yeah, this Neverland will end very soon. And along with it, this love that I cherish so much. 

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