🍋 My Muse || Chapter 121

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!! warning ( kinda ig ): i technically had to use the lemon emoji but its not rly a graphic smut just a wee bit of sexual content !!

"Norman, can we talk?" He pressed the back of his pen, the utensil clicking closed. "Always, y/n." "I think we should break up." He sighed, organizing the rim of paper on his desk. "I know." "What?" "I know." My eyes were wide open, the white haired boy gazing at me understandably. "I know we should break up." His chair creaked under the release of his weight, his brown shoes clacking softly as he made his way in front of me. "You're as beautiful as the day I met you. Even without the ear, you're a goddess to me." He cupped my cheeks gently, his hands a little cold. "I wanted to try it. Just for a little while. I wanted to be yours, and I wanted you to be mine. Even though I knew you still loved him, and he still loved you, I thought it was okay if I was selfish for just a little bit." His loving touch on my face shifted away, his arms dropping to his side. Norman's ocean blue eyes dropped a river of tears, as I pulled him into a tight hug. I found myself at a loss for words, unable to apologize and unable to comfort him. He pulled himself away, patting my head gently. "In one week, I'm going to dispatch two mercenaries to hunt for the demons with the Cursed Blood. Please don't hate me, y/n. I'm doing this for you." Mujika... Sonju... "Is it out of spite?" I asked, stepping towards the door. Norman shrugged, sitting back down. His voice was cold, yet pained. "Spite. Spite and liberation, y/n." I clenched my teeth, shutting the door behind me.

I'd never thought about making a bucket list. Hell, I never thought I'd be dying at eighteen. What are things that I want to do? Since I have limited time now. One person's splitting image flashed in my head. I shrugged. I'd be more than glad to do him.

I popped my head into the living room. "Hey, Nigel, where's Ray?" He threw his hand up, pointing towards the stairs. "Thank you!" I giggled, jumping up the wooden slabs. I knocked on his bedroom door, hearing a muffled "come in". He blushed at the sight of me, putting down his book. "What're you doing here?" I locked the door behind me, my chest growing warm. I kicked my slippers off, crawling on top of his legs. "Shh..." I whispered, unbuttoning his shirt. He grabbed my hands, stopping me. His gaze fell onto mine. "How about Norman?" I pulled my hands away from his, instead touching his cheeks gently. "I don't love Norman. And I told him. We're over." "Is... Is that so?" He whispered, his warm breath growing closer and closer to my lips. The space between us slowly became zero, and so did the amount of clothes we were wearing. Tonight, I'll let everything go. Because when I wake up tomorrow, I'll only have thirteen days left. Anything I want to do, anything we haven't done, we'll do tonight. I love the way he whispers my name. I love the way he kisses me. I love the way he touches me and the way he feels inside me. Before I knew it, a tear fallen down my cheeks, dripping onto Ray's chest. "What- What's wrong, y/n? Does it hurt? Was I being too rough?" I shook my head no, wiping my eyes harshly. "I just... I just love you so much..." He propped himself up, his member inside me shifting with his movement. "When this is all over, we'll have a life together, y/n. You and me, in a world where we don't have to fight. We can live happily, for the rest of our days, together, forever." If only. I nodded my head, sticking out my pinky. "Promise?" I asked, feeling his finger wrap around mine. "Promise." I giggled pushing him back down. "I'm not done riding you, weirdo." He yelped at my sudden drop, his cock penetrating my deepest parts. "W- Warn me!" He whispered, squeezing my cheeks. "You're cute when you're surprised." I replied, kissing his palm.

He fell asleep clutching onto me like a teddy bear. His warm, steady breaths brushed past my ear, reminding me that he was there.

What happens after a person's soul is taken? Do I die? Do I get a new one? My soul isn't my physical body, right? But it's like me, y/n, will have died. Anywhere I go, I don't think I'll forget Ray. How could I? Haha, I'm saying that now. I'll bite these words after I'm dead.

He started to shift, as if having a bad dream. A familiar song escaped my lips, without me even noticing.

"Let me sing a lullaby, as you close your eyes tonight,

and as you're drifting off to sleep,

how I hope that the dreams that you find are bright.

Dear, can I see you tomorrow, my love never dies.

Because a life's ahead for you and I,

So hold me tighter, tonight, but don't bid me goodbye,

Because I know that the sun will shine just as bright.

I will remember our song, when the nights are too long,

Pretend I'm with you, for that's where I belong.

Dear, can I see you tomorrow, my love only grows,

Only, in my dreams, can we meet again."

My Muse || READER X RAY || The Promised NeverlandWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu