🔒 My Muse || Chapter Seventy Four

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"Today, y/n, we will be teaching you how to shoot a sniper rifle." Nigel threw his hands into the air dramatically, running around a shooting range hidden in the dense forest. "This sweet baby... Is called Sandy's Operator." Sandy continued, caressing a long black gun. Nigel and him fawned over it for a few minutes, an unimpressed Emma and I leaning on a tree. 

"So, how's things going with you and Oliver?" I giggled, nudging her shoulder. She blushed, playfully punching me. "S-Stop! It's... He's really nice. He's funny and kind, and really really soft. And..." "And..?" "He- He... He reminds me of... N-Norman..." Her gushing quickly became tears, as she started sobbing into my shoulder. I patted her back, letting her cry. 

I thought about it. Oliver did resemble Norman quite a bit. If Norman grew out his hair, and had crimson eyes. Oh, can't forget about that one streak of red. Oliver was like a grown up Norman. "If Norman had lived, I think he would've been a lot like Oliver," I whispered, my own face getting wet. 

Eventually, Sandy and Nigel noticed our crying and rushed over, apologizing. We laughed it off, telling them it wasn't their fault. 

"We spent every day together, since the moment we arrived at Grace Field. I loved him so much. And it hurt even more to know he was going to die. He's dead. We couldn't do anything to save him." Our sniping practice quickly became a therapy session, all of us sitting on the dewy green grass telling our tales. "Y'know it's not your fault, right?" Sandy asked, looking at us sadly. "He would've been so happy you all escaped." 

"I know. I know he's proud, watching us from wherever he is. But no matter how many times anyone tells me that it wasn't my fault... It's never going to count. There's always something someone can do. And I just didn't do it." 

"If we can't change your mind, then how about we get it off of it?" Nigel grinned, standing up. He opened his hand, beckoning for me to take it. "Exercise and shooting practice. You said you wanted to become stronger, right?" I exhaled deeply, smiling. I took his hand, letting him pull me up. The people at Goldy Pond are so kind. 

I held one of the extra rifles Nigel had brought. It was like a bow and arrow, just with extra steps. And a little bit heavier. He had taken his hat off for the second time, surprising me with how different he looked. "Your hair is a really pretty color," I said, letting him adjust my arms. His chest was pressed warmly on my back, trying to fix my posture. "Thanks," he giggled, ruffling his bangs. "I can tell that you're used to mechanical or manual weapons." He commented, karate chopping my shoulders. "But a gun is heavy, immediate. You won't have time to recover if you miss." I nodded, taking mental notes. My arms and back were sore from the weight, but I had to learn and withstand the pain, to protect everyone.

"Thankfully, you're a quick learner." Nigel said, taking the gun from my arms. "I think you'll be able to shoot by the next hunt." "Which is..?" Emma asked. "In one month." Sandy finished. We all laughed, amazed at the synergy. "The control room isn't fixed yet. Sonya said it would take some time, so this hunt is stall time. We need to make sure we lose as little people as possible." 

Emma clenched her fists, obviously pumped up. "Let's do this!" She cheered.  

"And y/n, Emma?" Sandy asked, swinging the rifle over his shoulder. "Have you two considered getting haircuts?" A haircut? It would be nice. It has been getting long, and the way it falls over my lack of an ear makes me feel weird. "What are you proposing, Sandy?" I laughed, looking at his cute hair clips. He winked, giving us a thumbs up. "I could do a little something for you two." 

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