⭐ My Muse || Chapter 105

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I watched from Norman's window as Emma, Don, Gilda, Nigel, and Gillian helped the six out of the prison. Ray was looking all around, his gray eyes in a panic. Was he looking for me? Emma grabbed his arm, hissing something. He frowned, talking back. "She did it for you, stupid." She mouthed, holding Oliver up. Ray pulled his bangs over his eyes, scowling. Was he mad at me? Did Emma tell him? Norman's cold voice called from behind me. "There's no use regretting it now, y/n." 

I turned to him, heart beating fast. If Ray was out there, alive and free, I would be happy. "I don't regret a single thing." The man before me smirked, walking to my side. He patted my head gently. "Good girl." 

Ray and the others were moved to the house where our family was staying. I watched silently from Norman's window, wherever he would go. He smiled, spoke to Gillian and Emma like normal. It was as if I'd never happened. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, warm face nuzzling my neck. "Why do you look so sad, y/n?" I scoffed, trying to pull myself away. "What do you think? I've been locked in here for a week. I miss my friends. I miss Emma and Gilda. I want to check on Yuugo and Lucas." He let me go, crossing his arms sternly. "You'd run the moment I opened the door." From the corner of my eye, I saw Emma's curious green eyes, peering into the room. I wanted to talk to her so badly. "We made a deal, Norman. Now, if you love me, you'd let me go." He stepped towards me, a somber expression on his face. "I don't want you to love me because we made a deal, y/n. I just want you to love me because you love me." I suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over my chest. Was I being too harsh? He had gone through so much... I sighed, touching his hand. "So start by being someone I can trust, Norman." He frowned, kissing my fingers. "Okay." I pulled him into a hug, smiling. I kissed his cheek, watching him blush bright red. "I'll be back for dinner, I promised!" I raced out the door, jumped down the stairs and slammed through the front entrance. "Emma!" I shouted, jumping into her arms. She giggled, squeezing me back. "What was that up there?" "Compromise." I said, muffled in her shoulder. 

"Is that who I think it is?" A deep playful voice called from behind me. I hopped away from Emma, nearly strangling Yuugo. Tears filled my eyes as my voice started to break. "A- Are you okay? I- Is everyone okay?" The black haired man grinned, nodding vigorously. He touched my cheek, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you, y/n." I felt a pair of hands grab my waist, hoisting me into the air. "Zack!" I giggled, squeezing his cheeks. I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting him support my back in a tight embrace. "Emma told us everything." He whispered, gently putting me down. "I'm so sorry you had to do that for us..." I grinned, booping his nose. "I'd do more than that to save you guys." I waved at Pepe and Lucas, watching us from behind. Oliver also gave me a quick hug before returning to Emma. She was smiling again. But someone was missing from this scene. The person I wanted to see most. "Hey, guys, where's Ray?" 

Everyone's expression turned into a scowl, including Emma's. Pepe shoved his hands into his pockets. "That boy is... irritable... at the moment." Nigel laughed, punching his shoulder. "Irritable? He's been a fucking nightmare since the moment he got out!" Zack looked away, frowning. "If you really want to talk to him, check the gym. He's probably there." 

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