⭐ My Muse || Chapter 101

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"Barbara said that Norman and the liberation squad are going on a week long tour." "Wow, like a celebrity?" Nigel chuckled, nudging my shoulder. I sighed, face palming. "No, like, attacking factory after factory after factory. That kind of... crusade." Emma frowned. "y/n, what happened that night? When you went with them, to help an attack." Could I tell them? My sympathy for the demons? No, they wouldn't understand. "Nothing..." I mumbled, rolling out the map. She wasn't convinced, but she let me slide out anyways. "Jin and Hayato said it took three days." Don said, tracing the red marker trail. It was strangely twisty, as if avoiding some things the topography didn't show. Gilda took a blue marker, drawing a straight line from the hideout to the shelter. "We could probably shorten it to one or two. I don't know what this path was avoiding, but I guess we'll find out?" 

We bid goodbye to Norman and the others. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" He asked, patting my head. I nodded firmly, smiling. "I don't want to cause another stir like last time," I giggled, touching his hand. "Behave, okay? You guys are the adults now. Take care of this place." I waved at the horse, who snorted sarcastically. It whinnied under Norman's weight. I guess it really did like him a lot. Barbara gave me one last hug, whispering into my ear. "Be careful, y/n. It's dangerous out there." My eyes widened as she pulled away. W- What? She playfully winked at me, poking my cheeks. "Bye-bye!" She hopped onto her horse, Cislo already looking like he wanted to throw up. The sun started to rise as the five on them disappeared over the horizon. 

We waited a few hours, just to make sure that they wouldn't come back. I bundled up the map, pulling on Zack's headband. We'd been through a lot together, right? Just a year ago we were living blissfully at Grace Field, with a kind mother and happy siblings. And then we found out that we were food. Cattle. To beings larger and more powerful than us. I swore to protect this family with everything I had. Ray did too, so I know he wouldn't just die. I gripped Yuugo's pistol tightly, tracing the scratched barrel with my thumb. "Let's go." 

I pulled myself out of the entrance, climbing the tree roots. I rolled onto the floor, grunting. "God, I'm never going to get used to this," I grumbled, hand grabbing something furry. "Gak-!" I shouted, falling backwards. A large gray dog was staring straight at me. I had accidentally touched it's tail. I heard a girl's voice mumble something incoherent. Was this... The demon's language? I pulled out my pistol, pointing it at the trio of dogs emerging from the forest. "Stop." She said, stealthily jumping onto the floor from a tall tree branch. A tanned girl with long white hair stood before us, holding her hand over my gun. "They're my friends." "Who are you?" Emma asked, stumbling to my side. The unnamed girl's long bangs covered her right eye, a snug fleece hoodie keeping it in place. "I live here. In... Paradise." Her voice rose at the word, as if mocking it. "Are you disobeying Mr. Minerva's orders?" I lowered my pistol. "He did no such thing. I'm not someone to be commanded or told what to do." She smirked, the ends of her lips rising. She patted a dog's head, the animal barking in joy at her touch. "Good answer. You can go." Huh? It was that easy? She seemed to notice my confused expression. "I hate that person. The 'boss'. Since you defy him, I have chosen to respect you. My name is Ayshe. Leave now, your time is limited." She was very straight forward. I liked that. I thanked her, traveling onwards with the map in my hand. 

"How strange," Gillian said, tapping my shoulder. "She was really pretty, wasn't she?" "She was speaking demon." Emma hissed. "I wonder what kind of story she has." I mumbled, pulling out a compass. Sandy, Violet, Paula, Sonya, and the others knew of our plan. Though hesitant, they also wanted to believe in a world where the five were alive.

We had traveled for about twelve hours, the sun starting to set as we climbed the trees for rest and shelter. "There's been nothing dangerous so far." Don said, slightly confused. He was right. We were halfway there to our destination. We'd met no demons, no traps, no mountains, or anything that would have rationalized the bizarre path Jin and Hayato took. Maybe we'll find something tomorrow. Emma offered to take the first watch, as I closed my eyes, dozing off. 

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