🔒 My Muse || Chapter Eighty

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"We're all idiot liars, aren't we? Telling each other never to give up, to keep going for their sakes. But isn't sacrificing yourself also some weird way of giving up?" The voice chuckled, seemingly talking to himself. "You, y/n. Always putting everyone else in front of yourself. You're always the first to say, 'I'll do it' or 'Just go, I have this covered!' But you're a brave coward. Afraid of losing anyone else, so you decide to lose yourself." My hand was being squeezed, like some weird stress ball. "But it's not my place to judge you. I tried to set myself on fire, haha. Because I thought my life was cursed. The child of a murderer. I'm disgusting." A loud explosion sent the ground shaking. My eyes fluttered opened, the room empty except for Ray and I. He was sitting down, his head in his arms, one hand holding mine. "I'm so happy you're okay, y/n." My heart skipped a beat, just remembering it was like to have him by my side. I pulled my fingers free, patting his fluffy black hair. "Hey, weirdo." 

He jerked up, staring at me with wide eyes. "y-y/n? You're awake?" I smiled, ruffling his bangs. I forgot how soft it was. But there were more important things to do, if we were still here. "Where's everyone else?" I asked, pulling myself up. The gauze wrapping my left leg was soaked in blood. My shirt, just kidding, I stole it from Zack, had been taken off, my chest, stomach and right shoulder wrapped tightly in bandages. "They're still fighting." He replied, supporting my back. "Are you gonna stop me?" I pulled the shirt back on, swinging my legs over the table. Ray gave me that look that everyone had been giving me. That 'No, I don't think you should' mom look. But he bit his cheek, shaking his head. "There's a lot of things I've done wrong. Telling you to stop protecting your family was one of them." He pinched my cheek, his gray eyes warm. "I love you because you're so selfless and brave." "Y-You what?" I stuttered, trembling under his touch. His gaze became plain in an instant, flicking my forehead. He chuckled. "Just kidding, stupid." Ugh, Ray! I pouted, hopping off the table. He tossed me a rifle. "Let's go. You have to save your boyfriend, right?" His face was sad, like he'd lost something important. It made my heart beat faster, imagining if he was missing me. But if he had something he wanted to say, he should've said it. There's no turning back now. 

The streets were empty, Ray and I running around, looking for our friends. "Where did Sandy, Oliver, and Emma go?" I asked, wondering why they disappeared as well. The three were heavily injured. Ray grimaced, replying in a low tone. "They had to fight." I clenched my teeth, gripping my gun. "I'm going to kill him. Leuvis." Ray was silent, glancing at my leg and arms. He wanted to comfort me, but he was scared it would've been a lie. I smiled reassuringly, nudging his shoulder. Worst comes to worst, I'll die trying. 

"Emma, where are you?" Ray touched his right ear, clicking what I assumed to be a headpiece Sonya and Pepe gave him. "Don't come!" I heard her panicked cries, soft static in between her words. "Stay with y/n! Oliver and Zack are hurt! Sandy- I think-" She broke into loud cry, echoing in both the town and the headset. We got an idea of their location. But what happened to Sandy? Did he- No. He can't be. "He's laying on the ground- He- He's not moving-" Tears fell down my cheeks, blown into their air with Ray and I's long strides. Sandy... I remembered his cheerful smile, the weird little things about him that made me love him. He wanted to be a hairdresser. He looked like a broccoli. He was funny, dedicated, he was my friend- no. My family.

Have I lost him? Like I lost Norman? 

I was too powerless to save him, even through all the training and working out. In the end, I was a useless child who couldn't help anyone. I couldn't even help them fight. 

A loud thundering voice shouted. "Where are you y/n? I've killed your friends. The small girl with the big eyes, the boy with the green hair, and the boy in the hat. They're going to die if you don't give me my hunt." Ray grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. A body flew past us, crashing into the building on our side. That sweater... That headband... "Zack!" I screamed, running to his side. A bloody slash ran through his face, white headband soaked in sweat and blood. "y-y/n? Why- Why are you here?" He touched my cheek, smiling. "You can't be here, I told that boy to get you out." I started to sob, those lively hazel eyes were glazing over, becoming dull and tired. My lips quivered as I scrambled my hand to his neck, checking for a pulse. It was slowing down rapidly, his heaving chest starting to straighten. "Za-Zack, n-no, no- no, no, no! Zack- Please!" His eyelids drooped down, closing. "y/n, can you sing me that song?" He grew pale, holding his hand out. I took it, grabbing it tightly. A tear ran down his cheek, falling onto my fingers. "I-I'll si-sing you... a-a lullaby... as yo-ou c-close... your...e-eyes." My voice trembled, watching him die in front of me. "Hey silly, it doesn't sound good when you're crying..." I let the waterfalls run down both my eyes, pulling him into a hug. "Don't cry... You have to be brave,  y/n. For me. For Emma, Ray... And Norman." His arms around me were weak, falling to the ground as he finished the sentence. 

Something inside me turned off. Was it the feeling of pain? Or was it love? I felt like I'd lost my mind and only one thing was left. Anger. Rest, Zack. I'll take care of the rest. Whoever hurts my family- Whoever sick enough to hurt and destroy any family... Those things deserve to die.

I turned to the place he was thrown from. The demon in front of me chuckled, holding a large boulder. "Leuvis!" I screamed, my shrill voice echoing in the village's streets. "You're going to fucking pay!" 

Something burned in the center of my chest. A red glow shone from underneath my shirt. The necklace... The jewel was stained dark crimson red, flaring like a fire. "There she is..." He smiled, dropping the rock. "The girl with the flames. Well, then. Bring on the fire." 




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