🦴 My Muse || Chapter 125 pt. 2

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The small group of four traveled through the dense forest, following a path Norman had drawn for them. They crossed forbidden areas, where no demon had ever set foot, but for Mujika and Sonju would have been ideal places to travel. Gilda and Don were filled with determination. Determination to save their friends. But a problem arose. And it came from the white haired girl escorting their party. "Gilda! Don!" The blond haired boy cried, pointing at a set of footsteps in the ground. The green haired girl bent over the tracks, adjusting her glasses. It was bizarre. Many demons had surprisingly found that secret path, leaving fear in the duo's stomachs. "No, they're not right." Gilda muttered, lining up her hand next to the print. "They're too large to be Mujika's and too small to be Sonju's. And either way, this creature goes through no effort to hide their tracks, and is walking on all fours. I believe this is small, wild demon." They continued onwards, following the barks of Ayshe's three large dogs. Footsteps, after remains, after more footsteps, and more remains. Don gulped nervously, glancing at Gilda. They were thinking the same thing. "This girl really didn't miss a thing. She caught every clue, no matter how small. Any normal person would have walked right past the things she pointed out." "She's cool, right?" Hayato frightened the two of them, who had been whispering their plans. Gilda quickly nodded her head yes, avoiding what could have been an awkward interaction. "And she's an expert marksman, right?" Hayato nodded, sitting down by their campfire. "She's the best shot out of everyone in the hideout! Ever since the Boss saved her, she decided to learn how to shoot and fight, and now she's the most impressive hunter we've got!" Ayshe, who had been sharpening a dagger, suddenly jerked up, throwing the small weapon towards Don. His eyes widened, yelping. The blade landed next to his ear, lodged into the tree he was leaning on. The dagger had caught a gigantic spider, it's fangs pulled out, ready to bite the tanned boy. "It- It's venomous..." Gilda muttered, shuffling away. Hayato grinned triumphantly, returning the blade to Ayshe. "See?" Don scrambled to his knees, thanking her. The white haired girl shrugged, walking away. The blond haired boy scratched his chin nervously. "Ah- She doesn't understand the human language, no matter what you say. She was raised by demons." Gilda and Don exchanged confused glances. That wasn't right. They remember, very clearly, the first time they met. At the gates of the hideout, when she let them go to the shelter. But they nodded, agreeing with Hayato. Just another layer to an already perplexing mystery. 

The forbidden areas of Neverland's forests only grew in density, the tracks of wild demons becoming more and more plentiful. Fortunately, none of them seemed to be Mujika or Sonju's. "We should avoid going further in this direction." Gilda said, looking at the map. "We might be heading towards a nest." Hayato chuckled, scratching his head. "That's the problem, isn't it? We have to avoid demons while also looking for the-" Ayshe's dogs let out a sharp bark, turning towards the blond boy. A tree launched itself towards him. No- Not a tree. A demon. Ayshe hissed, pulling out a pistol. But Don was quicker than her, shoving her hand down and throwing a large rock, distracting the monster from Hayato's frozen body. He shoved the blond boy aside, running through a cluster of roots and branches. They reconvened soon, after the demon had lost Don's trail. "Th- Thank you so much!" Hayato cried, clinging onto him. The tanned boy was still catching his breath, giggling nervously. "I'm so glad you're okay! But why did you put yourself in danger like that? Why didn't you just kill it?" Don's gaze slowly fell to the floor. He thought of Mujika and Sonju, who were demons, just like that creature. "It was just one, and it was easy to run away in such tight terrain like this. And... I think it's best to avoid killing. Even if it's demons." 

"Psst! Don!" Gilda hissed from across the campfire. They had been searching for three days, and finally they had a clue. The black haired boy shuffled over to her, lending an ear. "Did you see? Earlier today, those hoofprints..." His eyes widened. "Sonju's horse?" He grit his teeth, glancing at the sleeping huntress. "No way, it can't be them! It's too early in the journey, we haven't even figured out what we're going to do!" Gilda's fists balled up, her eyes filled with a fire. "We won't let them be killed. No matter what." A cold voice interrupted their conversation, chills sent down both their spines. They trembled, turning around to meet Ayshe's cold glare. "I see. So you two are planning... To let them escape." 

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