🔒 My Muse || Chapter Fifty Six

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"What's your name?" I squatted menacingly in front of the unamused man who looked like he couldn't give any shits about anything. He was munching on one of Jemima's cookies. "None of your business, princess." He gruff voice mocked me in a sing songy tone. I sighed, instead asking, "How did you get here then, sir? Will you at least answer that?" Ray, Emma, Don and Gilda were leaning on the wall behind me, just making sure that everything was alright. The man refused to speak, continuing to loudly chomp on the snacks. I stood back up, disappointedly turning to the four behind me. "Let's at least take his keys." Emma said, inching towards the man. "We might find something in the library. I agreed, reaching towards his waist. "Mhm, that tickles, sweetheart," He teased, mouth still full of cookie crumbs. I rolled my eyes, roughly unclipping the chain. Ray glared at the man, giving him a cold death stare. It only made him tease me a little more, commenting that he liked girls with scars. I rolled my eyes, again, leaving the man with his cookies and instead walking down the hall to the library. 

Emma shuffled through the keys, jabbing each one in the lock. Ray quickly caught up to us, grabbing my wrist. "So how come he can call you sweetheart and I can't?" I sighed, giving him the look. I turned my attention back to the lock, Emma finally finding a rusty golden key that fit. We held our breaths as the door creaked open, eyes shining at the rows and rows of different colored books. The room was pretty dusty, but it didn't stop me from hopping shelf to shelf, looking at the new titles and random tales we found. "They're all about the world, nature and  animals!" Gilda cried, pulling out a blue hardback. "This one's about guns," Don said, a few shelves over. "This whole area is about weaponry." 

We silently scanned the shelves for a few minutes. Ray found me, that concerned look on his face again. "So, are you gonna answer my question or..?" I closed the book I was reading, pushing it back into it's place. "Ray, I don't have time for this. It's not a big deal. He's just a prisoner and he doesn't mean what he says. He's just trying to get on our nerves and apparently he's gotten to you." 

"The only thing on my nerves right now is you, y/n." He hissed. "My own girlfriend doesn't let me call her sweetie but lets some random dude we just met?" 

I scoffed. "So now we're dating? Funny how you never established that or even asked me to be that. You sound like you're only using that title when it's convenient to you." 

"Convenient?" He asked harshly. "When is convenient? y/n?" 

"When I get along with someone else. Meanwhile you didn't call me your fucking girlfriend when you were busy being cuddly with Emma." 

"We're over that." He warned, stepping closer to me. "Are you really going to be petty like that?"

I threw my hands in the air, angry and confused. "You're the one being petty, Ray!"

Don, Gilda and Emma had gathered around us by now, watching our immature fight break out. "Whatever." Ray scoffed, storming out of the room. He slammed the door behind him, making all of us wince at the bang. "Are you okay?" Gilda asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath, turning back to the bookshelf. "Yeah, I'm fine." Emma looked my worriedly, some guilt weighing in her eyes. I took her hand. "It's not your fault, Emma. I'm not mad at you." She pulled me into a hug, apologizing anyways. I patted her back. Gilda and Don joined into the hug too. "What are you two doing?" I laughed. "I just wanted hugs," Don replied. "Same." Gilda giggled, squeezing us three tightly. They were so warm. 

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