📷 My Muse || Chapter Thirty

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"Now that you're all here," Isabella started, waving her arms as if it was some grandiose show, "I have an announcement to make." Her violet glare turned to the silver haired boy cradling Emma in his arms. "Congratulations, Norman! Your shipment date has been set." Her foot steps were soft as she kneeled next to me, "I'm sorry I had to do this, y/n. But now, maybe you'll stay put until tomorrow."

"T-Tomorrow?" Ray's arms trembled around me, pulling me closer to his body. "What do you mean tomorrow?"

Her expression was frighteningly lax.

"Norman, your shipment date is tomorrow."

His ocean blue eyes went wide. "T-Tomorrow?" He stuttered. Emma tried to pull herself away from him but he held her tightly, refusing to let go. If she had gotten free, she might not have ended up with only a broken leg. 

His empty eyes were fixated on Isabella, still smiling brightly. "If you all stay quiet, I can promise a good life for all six of you." 

"S-Six..?" I trembled, glancing at Don and Gilda. Their faces were frozen in fear. 

"Now, my poor children." She cooed, kneeling next to Norman. She gently caressed the back of Emma's head, examining the wound. "This might only be a concussion. Lot of headaches and pain up there. So no running, or heavy lifting, okay?" She cupped Emma's quivering cheek. The orange haired girl continued to glare at her with all her might. 

"Now for you, y/n." She turned to me. She poked at my leg, making me wince. The pain was unbearable. My whole right leg felt like a jumble of broken bones, some uncomfortable excruciating hot pain rising for my knee. The skin melded with her fingers, proving how broken the joint was. It was just a pile of playdoh right now.

Ray glared at her coldly. His left arm held me up, while his right was around my chest, protecting me. 

"Relax, Ray." She chuckled. "I would never do anything more than protect my children." Ray scoffed, biting his lip. She stood, whipping towards Don and Gilda, who quivered at her glare. "This is what had to done. To protect you children." 

She started walking towards the house, tucking the bat back into her dress. 

"Bring them to the infirmary." She called, disappearing into the trees. "Or, let them die there if you're too stubborn to ask for my help." 

"I-I'm sorry..." Ray whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-It's all my fault- I couldn't stop her and- and now you're hurt... You're so hurt..." His gaze fell to my broken leg, tear drops falling gently on the broken joint. 

In all that commotion I didn't notice a deep wound running down Ray's cheek. "W-What happened to you?" I said, brushing away his bangs. The cut was sharp and thin, blood dripping off his cheek and onto his shirt. "I-It's nothing." He stammered, "Nothing c-compared to y-you." He gently lifted me into his arms. I winced at the pain of the joint being moved. "I'm sorry." He said again, carrying me to the house. 

The scent of blood, sweat and the pain of my broken leg made my head spin. I closed my eyes, letting myself rest on his shoulder. He did his best to keep me from shaking but the forest floor was bumpy and rocky. Every time I shifted, Ray apologized. 

The cry of children became louder and louder, as tiny hands brushed against my feet. I heard Anna's gasp, and Phil's concerned cries. "Is y/n okay?" He called, the door clicking behind us. Emma's sniffles were muffled in Norman's shirt as Ray laid me down on an infirmary mattress. He looked mad, regretful, sad, and lonely all at the same time. 

He turned to leave but I grabbed his hand, "P-Please, stay..." I whimpered, in between tears.  

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