🖤 Ray #2 || EXTRA 🖤

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"Fucking hell!" I punched the ground, scratching my knuckles. They bled, just like my heart. "Where the fuck did they go? Where the hell is she?" Yuugo was as upset as I was, jumping down to the shore of the blue lake. He was wading in the opaque water, looking for y/n and Emma. After the demon pushed her in the lake, it disappeared. I wanted to find it and kill it. It hurt her. "Gah!" Yuugo shouted, kicking the water. "I don't fucking know- I don't fucking know-!" 

The image of her bloody chest was carved into my head. Her tear filled eyes and glazed over pupils. I screamed as she fell, trying to grab her hand. She hit the water and then she was gone. 

I dug my fingernails into my palms, drawing more blood. "I need to find her. I need to fucking find her, she's hurt." My mind wandered to what could've happened. Where could she have gone? That look on her face... Cold, pale, tired. The blood. All of that blood. She could die. I promised to take care of her. I promised to save her, I promised to treat her wounds. I promised her so many things. My legs became weak, just like me. I couldn't protect her. 

"I-I... Keep failing her..." My voice trembled. What if she's dead? What if she's dead somewhere in the world, because I couldn't reach a little bit farther? Because I couldn't move a little bit faster? This was my fault. I killed her. 

"I'm so useless... I-I'm so weak..." Drops of water fell on the ground in front of me. My tears wouldn't stop flowing. "She- She learned to hunt- To kill others for us... And all I did- All I did was throw tantrums- I read books, but wh-what did I do with it? I-I promised to be her doctor- And she needs me- B-But I'm not even there- I-I-" "You didn't. You didn't fail her." Yuugo's voice was sharp and loud. It pierced my chest. "We're going to find her. y/n and Emma. Get up, stop that pity party. I think I remember another way." He pushed his hand in front of me, opening his fist. 

Yuugo... I smiled weakly, letting him pull me up. 

"Cyclops, promise me one thing." His voice was strained, as if he was accepting some painful truth he refused to realize until now. "When we find her, never let her go ever again. With your life. Protect her, forever." 

That look of heartbreak reflected in his wet eyes. He blinked back his tears, giving me a comforting grin. "I'll tell her the truth. I'll never let her go." 

I promised y/n. It's not too late. I'm going to save her. 

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