🔒 My Muse || Chapter Forty Nine

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"Where will you two go?" 

Sonju hauled Mujika onto a tall, slender gray horse. It's head was covered with long silver hair, no mouth anywhere to be seen. It had eight legs, four coupled close together on it's front and rear. "Anywhere trouble isn't." He replied, handing her his spear. Mujika smiled at us fondly. "That necklace, y/n, never lose it." The weight of them gem pressed against my chest. "It will lead you to the Seven Walls, and the world you wish to find." "Thank you, Mujika." I waved goodbye as Sonju lightly tugged the reigns. The horse grunted, and fell into a gallop. "I'm gonna miss them!" Chris and Alicia cried. Emma laughed, patting their heads. 

I had a feeling we were going to meet them again soon. 

"Let's go." Don said, leading the charge. I turned towards the front, but I felt something grab my hand. Ray's face was pink. He was avoiding my gaze as well. "Stay in the back? With me?" he asked shyly. I giggled, feeling my face grow warm as well. "Okay." 

"So what happened that night? When the demon chased you to the pit?" 

I forgot to ask beforehand, while we stayed with Mujika and Sonju. Probably because we were arguing. He grimaced, recalling that event. "Poachers. From the farm. They killed the wild demon and attempted to take me back."

"And then?"

"Sonju saved me. I passed out and I woke up in the cave, with everyone else." 

"Thank you. For saving us. I probably would have been caught if I went." My knee was bandaged up again due to the stress of the chase. It was bruised and I don't know if I could survive another ambush. 

"You don't have to do everything yourself, y'know?" His face was shadowed with concern. "Learning to fight, hunt, and taking care of us. When the necklace was... inside of you... You were crying, y/n. What did you see?"

I didn't really want to remember. 

I didn't really want to burden anyone else with the things I saw. 

But I had to trust this family, and especially Ray. 

"James Ratri was the first son in his generation of Ratris, the people who made The Promise. He also happens to be my father, I guess. Wouldn't it be funny? If I was raised by those people, could I have made a change? Would I have known or cared?" 

Ray held my hand. I sighed, slightly relieved, but also fear. "My mother, right before she died, she sold her soul to give me the chance to break The Promise. For all the cattle children." 

"Your parents were ridiculously selfish." He said, slightly annoyed. "They knew death awaited traitors and they'd sell their child so easily? For their own selfish wants?" 

Practical as always, Ray. But it made me feel better. If it wasn't for fate, would I have chosen this path? 

Seeing everyone's smiling faces. The sunlight breaking in between the treeline, we were free, as human beings to do whatever we wanted. Yeah, I probably would have walked down this line, as dangerous as it seems. 

"Isabella knew my mother. She said that I was loved by her and James Ratri." 

"Yet they sold you to their fate?"

"I don't mind death, as long as I can make the change."

"I mind death, y/n." His voice was hurt and scared. "I don't want you to die. And I don't like this immense pressure you've put onto yourself because of that chance."

I didn't realize that I was becoming as selfish as my parents. 

I wanted to save everyone. 

I wanted to save my family, at the cost of myself. 

"When you change the world, y/n, please bring us along." 

My heart had hardened after Mujika opened the pendant. I had to let it grow warm again. For my family. We've become self sacrificial liars, just because we care about each other too much.

I squeezed Ray's hand. "We'll do this together." 

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