🔒 My Muse || Chapter Fifty Eight

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I decided to keep Yuugo in room eleven, which was across the hall from mine. 

"Tell me about A08-63. What's there?" I asked, sitting on the bed opposite him. He grinned, the beginning of a scheme settling in his head. "Another shelter. I think. I've never been there." The corners of his mouth tilted upwards. "Are you sure?" I raised one eyebrow, trying to read him. He was definitely planning something. "Mhm." He replied, playing with a chain of paperclips. 

I stared at him, not convinced. "Yuugo." 

"Yes, milady?" 

"Can you tell me about your escape? From Glory Bell?" 

"It's only been a day, y/n." 

"I'm curious." 

His onyx eyes glanced at me amusedly. His grip on the paperclips tightened as he spoke. "I was thirteen, when I left Glory Bell. There were fourteen of us." 

"Where are they?" 

"Dead." His eyes were glazed over, looking towards me but not at me. It looked like the memory still burned. "I watched them all die, y'know. But at least I have this place to myself now. No more annoying little kids eating all of the cookies, or bedsheets being peed on I have to take care of." "You don't mean that." I replied, sternly. He smiled sadly, focusing on the small paperclip chain again. "Do you... Wanna look at the shit in the library? It might cheer you up!" I walked towards him, shaking his shoulder. His eyelashes fluttered, blinking back the tears. He brushed his long wavy black hair aside, reminding me of this streaks. "So, how did you get those?" I held my hand out and he took it, letting me pull him up. "How many questions do you have, princess?" He laughed, nudging my shoulder. He closed the door behind us, with another of his grandiose bows. "Madame." He said, making me giggle. "Aren't you sweet?" I smiled, patting his head. 

Yuugo said he hadn't been in the library for at least two years. He had gotten bored of rereading books and it made him feel like he was suffocating. "It feels good, not being lonely." He had whispered, very softly. 

Lonely... I hadn't seen Ray since yesterday, when he stormed out on us. I spent the night with Gilda and Emma. We pushed the beds together and talked. Being with them was fun, we hadn't had a girl's night in a while. But I wish I was with Ray. I wanted to see his goofy smile and his lopsided bangs. He needed a haircut. 

"Hey, princess." Yuugo poked my cheek, waking me from my daydream. "Y-Yeah?" I replied, slightly startled. His large hands gently patted my head, a surprisingly warm look in his eyes. "Don't frown too much. You'll get wrinkles. And those aren't cute." His warm hands made me blush. "O-Okay..." I stuttered, flipping a page from the book in my hands. Though I wasn't really reading it. 


I found myself to spending more and more time with Yuugo. He had introduced himself to the family and they accepted and forgave him for his attitude. Ray had nearly disappeared from my daily life at the shelter. I moved into the twelfth room, taking my stuff in the middle of the night. Ray was laying in his own bed, sleeping, and I shifted as quiet as possible. I kept the pen and Yuugo's gun. One thing weighed on my mind, and it was going to see A08-63. 

"Hey, y/n." Yuugo said, from across the table. 

"Hmm?" I replied, reading a book about wild insects and their properties in medicine or as food. I took a sip from a large mug of coffee, which Yuugo had taught us about a few days prior. 

"What if we dated?" I spit my drink, thankfully on the table and not on the book. My mouth gaped open, looking at him with this expression I'd never seen before. His cheeks were slightly flushed, but he kept his charming playboy persona up as best as he could. "I'm just joking, sweetie." He chuckled, flicking my forehead. I glared at him, picking up my mug. "I'm going to get a tissue you jerk!" I dropped it in the sink. My heart was beating abnormally fast. 

"You look like a strawberry." A rough, unamused voice said from across the room. Ray was leaning against the wall, glaring at me coldly. I rolled my eyes, grabbing the sponge. "Are you two having fun?"

"Yeah, actually." I hissed, hanging the cup on the drying rack. 

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you such an asshole?" I scoffed, glaring at him. "Everything I do is to protect the people I love." 

"He's dangerous, y/n." 

"His name is Yuugo, and he's nice." 

"He held a gun to Nat's head." He said, folding his arms. 

"Because we barged into his home! He apologized for that and now Nat and him get along fine!"

"I'm just trying to protect everyone. Especially you."

"Have you considered that I don't need to protected? I don't want to be protected?"

He rolled his eyes, annoyed at my attitude. When he was obviously the one who started the damn fight. "Then I'll protect someone who's not stubborn enough to act like the main character of a god damn fanfiction."

"That's all I fucking asked for." I growled. 

"y/n said the f-word!" Yvette giggled, pointing at me from the couch. I walked over to her, holding a finger over my mouth. "Don't tell Gilda and I'll give you an extra cookie!" She smiled, nodding her head. When I looked to where Ray had been, he was gone. 

My heart was still racing, and my head was on fire. I was so incredibly upset and annoyed with him. I'm the stubborn one? Really? Yvette looked at my grimace curiously. "Is everything okay, y/n?" She asked, grabbing my finger. I smiled, looking back towards the cute little girl. "I'm fine."

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