📷 My Muse || Chapter Twenty Three

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"Don, Gilda," Emma said grabbing both their hands. "Let's escape here together. We have to save Connie and everyone else who was taken from us." They nodded, and Emma pulled them into a hug. "Thank you, both." She cried, muffled in their shoulders. 


It was three in the goddamn morning when I heard two sets of hands rapidly knocking on my door. I dragged my tired body to  the knob, unlocking it and opening it. 

"y/n, y/n, y/n!" Emma jumped inside, Gilda behind her. 

"Emma, it's literally quiet hours, please stay quiet." I rubbed my temples, adjusting my brain to her level of volume. God, sometimes I wished people came with off buttons. I glanced at her bright smile and changed my mind. Not Emma. 

She explained that Gilda wasn't the traitor. She followed Gilda into Mama's room late in the night and heard Gilda defend herself and us. Emma tackled the green haired girl in another hug, Gilda sheepishly holding her back. "Then it's gotta be Don, right?" I asked, yawning. Gilda grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly. "It- It can't be him." She avoided my eyes, pinching my fingers one by one. "I trust Don a lot... He's... He's not the type to be a traitor." She whispered. 

Emma confidently patted Gilda's shoulder. "We'll find out tomorrow. We've already set up traps for who could be guilty." 

I grit my teeth, an inkling of a feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. Emma seemed to notice. She squeezed my hand tightly, a fire burning in her green eyes. "Even if it's him..." She said, "We'll find a way to make him join us." Gilda was confused but didn't ask any questions. 

We should have known what her and Don were planning. 


I told Ray to come by my room at ten the next day. If he was late I'd be locking the door. 

His face blushed bright red, remembering the last time he was there past quiet hours. His eyes looked at me softly, nothing like the cold glare of a traitor. But we'd find out tonight. We were in the library alone, so I sneaked a quick peck on his lips and ran away, giggling. "W-Wait, come back! That's foul play!" He called from behind me, flustered. 

I closed the door behind me, leaning on the hallway walls. I brought my hand to my lips, softly touching where I'd just kissed him. I didn't want to believe that Ray was the traitor. But Norman had already acquired proof that he was. I grimaced, walking back into library. Ray was still tomato red. 

How could he do that? He was so cute, so adorable. He was my best friend. We'd spent over a decade here, together. His eyes were wide open, still chuckling to himself at the driveby kiss. 

"Ray..." I said quietly. 

"Ohoho, back for more, are you?" He opened his arms wide, grinning. I jumped into them, holding him close. I pulled myself back, taking in his perfect face for the last time. His messy, spiky, black hair. His always tired, but warm gray eyes. That stupid poker face that melted into love whenever he saw me. Those lips I wanted to kiss forever. He was warm. He was so warm. 

But he was also the traitor. 

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