⭐ My Muse || Chapter 109

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"Mr. Minerva got some time out of his schedule, hm?" Don teased Norman, placing a bowl of breakfast in front of him. The boy sheepishly laughed, thanking the family for having him. "I'll have all three meals of the day with you guys, if that's okay." The little ones started to squeal with excitement, the older one's eyes widening. Everyone's been deprived of Norman. I was glad to see him open up and start becoming comfortable around the others again.  

I sat on the couch, a large mug of coffee in my hand. "Hey," Someone tapped my shoulder, startling me. "Hot hot hot hot hot-" I stuttered, the person apologizing. It was Ray. "I can- I can get you a tissue." I nodded, putting my cup down. "Yeah, go do that-" I muttered, wiping my hands on my shirt. He threw a bundle of napkins onto my lap, taking a seat next to me. "Can I help you?" I near hissed, wiping down my legs. Ray shrugged, stabbing a piece of scrambled egg with a fork. "Table's full." He mumbled, mouth full. I turned around, watching Norman dote on the little ones. Yvette demanded to be fed because she said she'd been a good girl while he was gone. I giggled. "Why don't you go eat in your room?" I asked, turning back to the black haired boy. His hair was... particularly messy and it was killing me not to fix it up. He glanced at me with one eye. "Lazy." Wow. Would it kill him to use more than three words in a response? I sighed, chugging the rest of my drink. "Well, have a nice day then." I stood up, stepping towards the sink when he grabbed my wrist. A strangely desperate look was sprawled across Ray's face. Like he was begging me to stay. Ha, you shoulda acted like this when I cared, loser. I pulled myself free, placing my mug onto the table. "Norman, let's go spar." He nodded, cheeks full like a hamster. Alicia, Chris, Jemima, and Rossi were taking turns feeding him. It was strangely cute. He patted their heads, getting up. "Can I come too?" Emma asked, pulling Oliver behind her. I shrugged. "Why not?" Our group of four suddenly became a caravan of all us older kids. Gilda kept Don from falling asleep on our way to the gym, Emma was particularly cheerful, yet Oliver was drained of sleep and energy. I wonder what happened last night, I giggled, covering my mouth. Zack, Pepe, Nigel, Gillian, and Yuugo followed as well, a moody black haired boy at the very end of the parade. 

"Who wants to go first?" I asked, kicking off my slippers. Yuugo nudged Lucas' shoulder. "Hey, if we fight really, really impressively, maybe everyone will stop calling us grandpas." Norman chuckled. "Aren't they like three years older than us?" I nodded, shoving down a laugh. "Yeah, but annoying Yuugo is our primary source of entertainment." 

The two stepped into the ring. Lucas didn't seem to mind that he was at a disadvantage. His right arm was cut off right above his elbow, only his left able to shield his chest from any jabs Yuugo could make. "It's been a while, huh?" He chuckled, raising both arms. The red haired man grinned. "Less talk, more fight." Within a second, Yuugo had fallen to the ground, tripped by Lucas' right leg. Wow... He's fast! The black haired man smirked, making a quick recovery. It was like watching two lions duel. They were as strong as the other, one with more technique and strategy, Lucas, and the other with more physical prowess, Yuugo. Eventually, the both of them called it quits. "This old man... needs a break..." Yuugo huffed, Gilda throwing him a bottle of water. Lucas nodded, thanking her. He wiped his forehead with a towel, jumping down. "You two are incredible young men!" Emma teased, nudging Yuugo. He laughed breathily, collapsing from exhaustion onto a bench. 

I was having fun. Key word was. A familiar hand touched my shoulder, diverting my attention from Gillian and Nigel's scuffed duel to his request. "y/n. I want a rematch." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to lose this time. "Okay, Ray." 

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