Chapter 132: Emergency

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Andy's POV

One second, ShyAnne was awake and talking. The next second, she closed her eyes and complete chaos ensued. Her nose started to bleed and her heart monitor started beeping as the nurses were rushing around to help her.

"Someone get Mr. Biersack out of here." ShyAnne's doctor said. A nurse grabbed my shoulders, helping me stand to my feet. My knees shook as I dragged my feet out of the operating room. I collapsed in the hallway, sobbing into my knees. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps and saw another doctor rush into ShyAnne's operating room.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I said as I pulled my knees to my chest and starting rocking, feeling myself start to panic. I had managed to keep myself calm all day for ShyAnne, but now I was crumbling. My kids were delivered really early and already seem to have health issues, my wife is probably fighting for her life. I ripped the stupid cap off my head and threw it to the ground, taking off the mask as well that made it felt like I was suffocating. I punched the ground, wanting to just scream.

"Sir, are you okay?" A nurse asked.

"S-Something's wrong wi-with my wife!" I blubbered like a baby.

"Let me help you to the waiting room." She said, offering her hand to me. I grabbed her hand and stood up, wiping my eyes. I took off the rest of my gear from the OR and put it in the designated bin. I followed her through the hallways and out to the waiting room. I sat in a chair in the corner, slumped over. I pulled out my phone and started making calls.

"Hi Andy!" My mom said in a cheerful voice as she picked up the phone.

"I-I need you guys on the ne-next flight out here. I-I'll pay you back, I-I just need you." I sobbed, feeling like a little kid crying for his mommy.

"Andy, what's going on?" She asked, concern in her voice.

"S-Shy had to have an emergency delivery and-and the babies are sick and-and she's sick and I'm freaking out mom. Oh my god!"

"Don't worry Andy, your father is already looking for plane tickets, we'll be out there as soon as we can."

"T-Thank you." I said.

"Just stay strong and call us with any updates. We can't wait to meet your sweet little babies. We love you Andy."

"Love you son!" I heard my dad call from the background.

"I-I love you guys." I said and hung up. I decided to call Jinxx next. I didn't want to call ShyAnne's parents until I had concrete info to give them about their daughter. I composed myself before starting the call.

"Hey man, what's up?" Jinxx answered.

"Things aren't good over here. Are you guys okay with watching the twins until my parents get here?"

"Of course, what happened?"

"ShyAnne had to have an emergency delivery and all four of them are in pretty bad shape. You have our key, feel free to pack a bag for the twins, hopefully my parents will be here tomorrow."

"We will watch them as long as you need. We are here for both you and ShyAnne, whatever you need. The rest of the band is too. We're behind you 100% brother."

"Thank you so much." I let out a sigh, feelings tears come to my eyes.

"Keep us updated."

"I will, talk to you later." I said and hung up. I sat with my head buried into my knees for what felt like an eternity, I heard my name called. I looked up and saw ShyAnne's doctor, Dr. Rogers, at the front of the waiting room with two other doctors. I wiped my tears and stood up, walking over to them.

"This is Dr. Le, ShyAnne's neurosurgeon, and this is Dr. Mason, the doctor on your triplets' case." ShyAnne's doctor said, introducing me to the two doctors with her. "Let's go somewhere a little more private so we can update you." She said. I nodded and followed them down the hall until we got to a room. I was given a chair and I sat down, my knees already feeling weak.

"Let's start with ShyAnne's case." Dr. Le suggested. "Tests confirmed that ShyAnne did have preeclampsia that developed into HELLP syndrome. An unfortunate complication was fluid in her lungs and brain swelling. We drained the fluid from her lungs, and did a procedure to reduce the swelling in her brain. The procedure seems to be resolving the issue, but she is in a coma due to the brain trauma. We're hopeful she will wake up, but are unsure of when. We will not know if there is any permanent damage until she wakes up." He explained, using her scans to better explain what happened.

"Oh my god." I sighed, my hands covering my nose and mouth. 

"Do you need time to process or are you ready to hear about your kids?" Dr. Rogers asked.

"I want to know what's wrong with my babies." I stated, Dr. Mason stepping up.

"Baby A, the first girl, is doing great for how premature she is. She will be spending time in the NICU since she's not fully developed, but we are hopeful for a short NICU stay. Baby B, the second girl, has lung issues. Her lungs are severely underdeveloped and she was put on a ventilator almost immediately after birth. We are expecting her to get better as her lungs develop so we are expecting a longer NICU stay. Finally, baby C, the only boy, he has what is called an Atrial Septal Defect. It's basically a hole in his heart that is preventing blood from flowing correctly and is making his heart work twice as hard. We want to wait until we are sure he is stable before performing surgery, hopefully in the next few days."

"Oh my god." I said again, not able to believe this was all happening at once. Why me? Why my family? What did we ever do?

"Would you like to see your babies?" Dr. Rogers asked.

"Yes, am I also able to see ShyAnne?"

"Yes, but she's in the ICU so no one under the age of 18 is permitted on that floor." Dr. Le explained.

"Okay, can I make a call first? I haven't even told ShyAnne's parents what happened."

"Sure thing, I'll be waiting right outside to lead you to the NICU." Dr. Rogers explained as the three of them left the room. I pulled out my phone and called ShyAnne's mom.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Mrs. Miller. ShyAnne had an emergency delivery of the triplets today and all three are in the NICU with their own issues. ShyAnne developed HELLP syndrome and is now in a coma from brain swelling. I suggest you guys get down here as soon as possible."

"Oh my god, is everyone going to be okay?"

"Everything is kind of up in the air right now. They're hopeful, but their conditions are very critical."

"We'll be there as soon as we can Andy. How are the twins?"

"My best friend and his wife are taking care of them for now. My parents are also on the next flight out to come help. Don't feel obligated to help out with anything. Your main priority should be ShyAnne and her health. I'm going to be spread thin between ShyAnne, the triplets, and the twins so any extra attention given to ShyAnne would be helpful."

"Thank you so much Andy. We'll be there as soon." She said, her voice cracking. I hung up with her and stood up, taking a deep breath. I walked out of the room to see Dr. Rogers standing in the hallway.


Sorry I had to cut it off but this chapter is already so long!

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Stranded (An Andy Biersack Love Story) {1} [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang