January 3rd

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

It’s been such a good start to the year. I love you.

I had a brilliant idea this morning and of course you made it all happen. I’m still nervous to see how it turns out but I think today went pretty much as well as it could have.

I woke up this morning thinking about how long it had been since I saw you. I just wanted to see your face. That’s what gave me the idea. I guess it was because yesterday I’d spent so long thinking about other people getting to see pictures of you on the internet. I was a bit jealous of them I think. I know that’s silly because I actually get to have you and they don’t. I couldn’t help it.

I left early this morning and went down to Boots and looked around. I went over to the photo processing but it was all computer screens and stuff like that.

I was getting ready to give up when I noticed the yellow boxes stacked up by the till. I remembered the boxes from when I was a kid and people would take them on school trips and stuff like that. I picked one up and paid for it. It was actually kind of expensive for what it was. I guess that’s why people think digital cameras are worth the money as you can make as many copies of the photos as you like. That wasn’t what I was after though. I didn’t want a photo printed from a computer screen.

I went over to Starbucks and sat down with the camera. I remembered having to scroll forward as a kid and this one was exactly the same. I could hear a little rolling sort of noise as I did it. I turned the flash off because I didn’t want people noticing I was testing the camera out. It was pretty bright in there anyway so I knew I wouldn’t need it.

I took one picture of the floor under the table. I put my finger over the flash just in case but I was pretty sure it hadn’t gone off. I was just testing how noisy it was. It didn’t seem to make a sound at all. With all the background noise of mugs being moved about and stuff like that it would’ve had to have been really loud for anyone to notice it.

I wasn’t even sure you were coming in today. I would’ve been happy for you to have a longer break. I’m really happy you did though. I’m so glad you couldn’t wait to see me either.

It got to lunchtime and you came in. I realised I hadn’t worked out how to make sure I was going to get a good picture. I wouldn’t be able to check how they were coming out. That’s why people use digital cameras. They can check the photo there and then. I took a couple while I was sitting down. I just aimed the camera at the queue without even checking if it was at the right angle.

Then I stood up and started walking towards you. I wanted to make sure I got it right. When we put together photo albums of our life this will be the first picture to go in so I knew I had to get it right. I rolled the thing forward on the camera and walked towards the queue. I had it in my right hand when you turned to look at me. I took the picture. I looked down to scroll it forward and by the time I’d done that you were looking for something in your bag.

I was worried you hadn’t seen me. Then when I passed you you looked up from your bag and smiled at me and I realised you’d set it up perfectly. You’d deliberately looked at me when I came towards you and then looked away when it was done. You didn’t want to pose. You wanted a natural photo. You knew that’s exactly what I was after. I wanted a photo that reminded me of what it was like when we’re together in Starbucks. That’s much better than any professional picture anyone else could take of you. Thank you.

I love you.



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