November 14th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you. I feel so much better for seeing you. The alarm clock did the trick. I was there bright and early. I’m not sure how I feel about it though. It’s useful I guess but it doesn’t feel right. It’s not really good for me.

The alarm clock can only either play the radio when it turns on or make an annoying beeping noise. I thought the radio would be better than the beeping. I thought maybe I’d get lucky and they’d be playing a song I like. That was stupid of me. I didn’t recognise any of the songs they played while I was getting up. They all sounded the same to me. I don’t know who music like that is for. All the DJs are middle-aged so I don’t know how they’d know what kids like.

The talking between the songs was even worse than the music to be honest. It was this weird awkward talking where the two people pretended to find each other really funny and acted as if they were saying shocking things. They kept laughing and apologising to the listener even though they hadn’t said anything bad and they knew it.

To be honest it all just seemed irrelevant to me. The weather doesn’t make a difference to me because I’m going to see you whatever the weather. The news doesn’t make a difference. What the Prime Minister said doesn’t make a difference. What happened in sport doesn’t make a difference because I’m going to see you. None of it was about you and that’s the only thing I care about. Sophia. If I could wake up and hear about you then I’d know how I felt about the day. Nothing else makes a difference. This morning Sophia is feeling good. That’s all I’d need to hear.

You looked great when I saw you. You looked beautiful. Maybe you were feeling good because I was back. I don’t really know. I kind of hope that might be the reason. I hope you weren’t worried about me though. You weren’t angry at least and I’m really grateful for that. I’m so lucky.

It was funny hearing everyone around me talking today. They were all talking about things I’d heard on the radio. I guess people have to act like those things are important because their lives are so empty. They don’t have love like we do. If only they could appreciate that love like this exists. Then they wouldn’t have to spend their time pretending they think something the Prime Minister said makes a difference to them.

I love you.



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