November 26th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you. It was so good to be back with you today.

It felt like there were so many people around. Too many people. It made my head feel overworked trying to take it all in.

When I was younger my mum used to tell me I was too bitter all the time and I had to realise that everyone in the world wasn’t out to get me. She said everyone was just looking out for themselves just like I was. I think she thought that was comforting for me to hear.

Maybe that’s why I wanted to read the bible so much. Not just to understand what you get out of it but also to feel like maybe something out there does actually care. It’s not worked though. To me it seems like God let the world down. Bad things happen all the time. There is evil and there are tragedies and nobody seems to be able to stop it.

Don’t get me wrong though. I don’t feel bad. I feel good. I feel good because I saw you today.

I checked to see if you were wearing that bracelet again. You weren’t. I’m not sure why you weren’t but it doesn’t really matter. It made me realise something. It made me realise I don’t need God because you make everything ok. I’m going to look after you the way you look after me. I have you and you have me so we don’t really need God. He has more important things to deal with.

Imagine if everyone was like us. Imagine if everyone had someone they really loved and looked out for. Then maybe the world would be ok. Maybe if parents actually looked after their kids and people were in honest loving relationships then everyone would have someone watching over them. Then we wouldn’t need God and we wouldn’t need to lie to ourselves and spend so much time pretending.

I got more out of two minutes with you today than I did from a whole weekend with the bible. You’re everything to me Sophia.

I love you.



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