November 8th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you. It’s funny how everything else becomes insignificant when I see you.

Someone had obviously got to my seat before me today. I don’t know who but they’d left a paper on the table.

The front page was ridiculous. The top three quarters of it was about some woman I don’t know from some pop group I’d maybe heard of. I can’t remember the name now though. It was a story about how she’d been through a sex and drugs hell and now was telling everyone about it. At the bottom of the page was a tiny headline saying a father of three had been killed in a fire.

It’s sad that people only want bad news. They want news they can shake their head at and news they can judge. What’s worse than that though is people don’t really care about real tragedies. War and stuff like that is on T.V all the time so people skip over those stories. They want to read about people sharing all their dirty secrets and stuff like that. I don’t want to know about any of that.

I’ve not got anything to hide. That doesn’t mean I think everyone should have to tell everything about themselves to everyone else.

Basically every page I looked at had a story about a celebrity of some kind or another. I didn’t recognise half of them though. Most of the stories seemed to be about a woman who had lost lots of weight or a woman who had put on lots of weight or a man who had slept with lots of women. They act as if it’s really terrible but they give everything jokey headlines. It doesn’t make sense.

I don’t know at what point stuff like that became news. I can’t imagine newspapers were invented for stories like that so at some point they must have changed the kind of stories they print. I don’t think people would care if papers stopped printing stories of people getting out of cars looking drunk and stuff like that. Maybe they would. Maybe that’s what they want to read. I don’t know really.

There were a couple of pages about things happening in Syria at the moment. That seems to be in the news a lot though so I guess by this point it’s just background noise to people. It’s confusing to me that things like that are happening at the same time as everything else. I don’t get how countries which are really religious are the ones who seem to have the most violence in them. If I lived somewhere where bombs were going off every day I’d be pretty angry about it. If I found out it was because of religion I wouldn’t become more devoted to religion I’d trust it less.

I didn’t even bother with the sports bit. It was literally about a third of the paper though. It’s ridiculous when you think about it. They had two pages on children getting blown up and stuff like that and then ten pages about how men in colourful shirts were kicking a ball around for lots of money. It’s meaningless but somehow it gets more coverage. I guess people like to think meaningless things are important and dramatic as it makes them think their lives might be important and dramatic too.

I don’t need anyone to make me feel important. I have you. You make everything perfect. You always look so calm. I never see you reading the paper and I think that’s a really good idea. You don’t need to pay attention to all that stuff.

It felt so good seeing you after reading all that sad and weird stuff. It was a reminder about what’s important. I closed the paper and all that stuff went away. The rest of the world gets folded away and it’s just you and me together. That’s what matters.

I love you.



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