October 6th

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I love you.

I waited for you just in case. I didn’t even order anything today. I didn’t really feel like you were going to come. I just wanted to be sure.

It’s nice to know you have somewhere better to be at the weekend than the high street. It’s not really the nicest place to be. There were kids today outside McDonalds smoking and drinking beer. They were just laughing and yelling at random people. You could see everyone walking really far around them. I was pleased you didn’t have to deal with that today even if it did mean I didn’t get to see you.

I decided to go food shopping when I left Starbucks. To be honest I felt a bit lost doing it without you. Especially when I realised it would be a couple of days until I saw you again. I felt like going straight home and curling up in bed. But I didn’t. I wanted to do something useful.

In Tesco so many people seemed to deliberately bump into me that I ended up being more annoyed than upset. I don’t know why people can’t look where they’re going. It’s not difficult.

I usually have a pretty set routine in Tesco. I know where the things I actually want are and I want to be in there for as little time as possible. If I’m there too long all the other people drive me crazy. Today was a bit different though. I wanted to try and do something positive while we weren’t together. I decided to spend a bit longer in each aisle and actually think about what to buy. I thought about what would be good to have in for both of us. I thought about what you would choose and what meals we both might like and what stuff I’d need to buy for them.

Here’s what I bought.



Beef burgers



Orange Juice

Blackcurrant Squash

Rice Crispies




Pasta sauces







White wine

Baked beans





Shopping for both of us meant it came to a bit more money than a normal shop would. That doesn’t matter though obviously. I want to make sure we have all the things you want.

I don’t normally eat eggs but I decided to pick some up because there are so many ways people have them. I don’t know how you do them fried or scrambled or anything but I thought there must be a way you like them best. I should know things like that about you.

I remember as a kid my mum used to always tell me to put the most solid things at the bottom of the bags and the more fragile things on top. She said that way the fragile things wouldn’t get crushed. I balanced the eggs carefully on top of some other things in one of the bags. When I was through the automatic doors a woman turned the corner and pushed her empty trolley straight into the bags in my hand. The box of eggs fell through that hole in the handle of the plastic bag and landed on the floor. I bent over to pick them up and another woman behind me bumped into the back of me and pushed me forward and my foot landed right on the box. I heard the crunch.

I should have told that woman to go and buy me some more eggs to replace the broken ones. I didn’t though. I was really upset at getting bumped around like that and just came straight home instead.

I don’t like being surrounded by people who don’t look out for other people around them. I was so pleased with doing a good shop for us that when I heard the eggs crack my whole mood dropped and I just wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Everything had gone perfectly until then and it just made me feel awful.

I’ll make sure I get some more eggs tomorrow. That’ll only take a couple of minutes. Then I can work on getting them perfect for you.

I love you.



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