December 17th

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

Thank you.

We both know how much I needed you today. The weekend was really odd. I was all over the place. I know I was a bit better yesterday but I think that’s only because I knew I was closer to seeing you.

I wasn’t exactly happy when I woke up and saw the garden was completely white. It was a kind of muddy looking snow. Sometimes things can actually look kind of nice from a distance when there’s a neat white blanket over everything but it wasn’t like that. It made me worry too. I was a bit worried about walking in it but I was more worried it would mean you weren’t going to come.

I ate lots of toast to get something warm inside me. I wrapped up in lots of layers too. The pavement wasn’t that slippy except for where the snow had kind of become a bit sludgy where other people had already walked on it. It’s weird because I don’t like to walk on the snow but I know that a lot of the time walking on the thicker bits is safer because you can feel your feet sink into it.

There weren’t too many people out this morning. I saw one old woman pushing one of those old woman things through the snow and it looked like it was slowing her down loads. You always hear about old people like her dying when it gets really cold in the winter. It’s sad to think that all their lives amount to is sitting in a room hoping it doesn’t get too cold for them to stay alive.

When I got to Starbucks it was basically empty. They’d gritted a square in front of the door so there wasn’t any snow there. It wasn’t any better though because it just made the whole floor really really wet.

I actually enjoyed my drink for once. It was nice to have something warm. I could feel it go down my chest. I started to get a bit worried that nobody else was there. I usually prefer it when it’s a bit empty but I started to worry that you wouldn’t come either. I don’t know why I worried but I did. I guess I still wasn’t feeling too good. I’m sorry I doubted you. I know that’s stupid of me.

When it got to lunch-time I was really aware of the time. I kept checking my watch. You were two minutes after I expected you and for those two minutes I was a bit of a mess. I was convinced you must’ve not been able to get to work. Or that you’d got into work but hadn’t been able to walk to Starbucks because of all the snow.

I saw you come in and you looked right at me. I felt better straight away. That was all I needed. It went right over all of me. I don’t know what was wrong with me but you cured it. Everyone else could’ve gone into work if they wanted to and could’ve come to Starbucks if they wanted to but they didn’t. The snow put them off. It didn’t put you off. You knew I needed you. You came just to make me feel better.

I feel sorry for all those people who were sat at home today who didn’t have something special to make them get out of the house. They don’t know what they’re missing.

Thank you.

I love you.



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