December 21st

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Dear Sophia,

I love you.

I know you must know that by now. It couldn’t be more obvious.

I hope it’s not but today might be the the last time I see you before Christmas.

I was so happy this morning. Yesterday made me so happy. I felt so lucky. I felt like I put in a tiny bit of work for us and got paid back a massive reward for it. That’s a lesson I need to remember. I need to remember it’s good to go for things when I want them to happen. It made me want to think of something good I could do for you. I wanted to find another big present for you. Something to give you that you’d love. Something that would make you feel really lucky. Then I remembered what you taught me about being careful with money and not needing to buy you expensive things. I decided you’d prefer it if I was sensible.

I still wanted to do something for you though. Just a little thing to let you know I was thinking about you. Something nice but sensible. I did have an idea but it didn’t quite work out. It was only small but I thought it was romantic because Starbucks is where we met. I thought I’d make it so you got a free drink today.

When I got there I recognised the guy on the counter. I’d spoken to him before about you. I watched him for a while to make sure he wasn’t leaving. I didn’t want to try and arrange it with someone who was going to leave before you got there.

I worked out exactly what I should say to him. I didn’t really want to be friendly to him because I remembered him saying something horrible when I spoke to him before. I figured he was more likely to go along with it if I was polite though.

When there was nobody being served I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me. He said he didn’t. I explained to him all about us. I told him I was trying to surprise you by making it so you didn’t have to pay for your drink today. I told him it was a Christmas present. I told him your name but he said he didn’t know who you were. I described you to him and he said he wasn’t sure. I know he was lying. I think he was a bit jealous that we’re together. I know he likes you.

He said he wasn’t sure how he could put it through the till because he didn’t know exactly how much you were going to order. I told him I’d give him however much the most expensive drink costs. He said you might come in and order for other people. That’s what let me know he did know who you were. He knew how generous you were. A queue was building up behind me by this point and he told me again he didn’t think he could do it. I told him to forget about it.

I sat down in the corner. I was really angry at him. At one point he came over to me and pointed at some girl on her way in and asked if it was you. I told him of course it wasn’t. He said sorry and went back to the till. I bet he thought it was funny pointing out the wrong person. I couldn’t trust him at all. When you came in he served you and was all smiles. It was so petty of him not to help me out just because he likes you. I’m not worried. I know you’re not interested in anyone else. It’s just sad that other people try and get in the way of us doing nice things.

I love you.



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